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Spell and Grammar check


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After downloading a word processor from google I was dismayed that it didn't have a spell checker. I downloaded a couple of toolbars that I removed because they were raising havoc with my computer AND my writing! But I found a wonderful program called SpellCheckPlus.com for only $14.99 and not only does it check your spelling, it also checks your grammar. Now I have to check over 20,000 words. BYE:eek:


You found a word processor without a spelling and grammar checker built in? Even OpenOffice has that, and OpenOffice is free.

Mind you in my experience, spelling and grammar checkers are... not perfect. There are a lot of words and phrases underlined in one colour or another in documents I work with at work, when there's nothing wrong with them. Some are jargon that aren't in the spellchecker's dictionary, like "buildability", but some just are wrong. At work it's all Word 2003 though, so the fact that I'm using a piece of software that's been around since before I hit puberty might have something to do with it. The number of times I see something wrong, correct it and find a red line under it... it's clear the engineer or architect or whatever who wrote it in the first place saw the red line and right clicked and just did what Word told him to do, because in my experience engineers and architects aren't the best when it comes to written English, in general.

I should really keep a record of things where Word says something is wrong when it's right or vice versa.