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Tell me about your WIP

Just completed my first draft of my first ever serious short story ~3500 words. It's about a grizzled ghost hunter and a young boy. The young boy steals some bread, the hunter chases. Boy eats bread. Finds out oh snap it's magic ghost bread. Man takes boy so that boy isn't killed. Evil ghost eating demon shows up. Gets killed gets turned into ghost spice that will be excellent on a dry rub if paired with saffron. It's in the showcase if you want to be an alpha reader.



Myth Weaver
My Current WIP is a sequel to a story I began to write some years ago that was never really intended to more than a short, but it grew with a life of its own. I have been working on it for some years, unfortunately, as life happens, the kids got older and my free time diminished.

The story is more a traditional fantasy novel in a northern setting. When I started, the world (our world) was actually quite different than it is today, and some of the themes in it no longer seem relevant. I wrestle with whether the story should change because of it. I feel like some of the things it is saying are now kind of moot, but others still prevail to this day.

This second installment has not been easy. Every piece of it has proven difficult to get on paper, and I am not really sure why. At present I am on chap 27. Unlike its predecessor which was more of an action story, this one is a mystery with more political intrigue.

I have no elevator speech for the tale. It takes on many ideas (I suppose most stories do). Essentially it is about a girl with a magic sword in a troubled time, and all the difficulty it brings.


toujours gai, archie
I posted last November. Tuck the Unchosen and The Falconer are both still waiting in the wings because another story has shouldered its way past. (hey, no cuts!)

My current WIP is A Child of Great Promise, the story of a a girl who is half elf, half human who finds out she is neither. How do you figure out who you really are when you are nobody?

Goblins at the Gates is done, waiting on cover art.

I have a revamped web site, but I'm delaying roll out until Goblins is ready to market.

Insolent Lad

Around 30,000 words into the next one, to be titled (most likely) The Ways of Wizardry. I was editing a short story where I had been inconsistent about whether to refer to a demon as 'he' or 'it' and when I reached the end I just kept writing with no real plan. Decidedly unusual for me as I generally have a bunch of future projects sketched out and waiting. Nothing startling new or groundbreaking with this one, just a young wizard and his journey (while being stalked by varied demon assassins).