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Tell me about your WIP

Yeah, I know there's a market for the big books. I used to be part of the market, back when I had time. I look at one of those bigger books now, and I break out in hives. :)

Ronald T.

I like long books as well, T Crystalline E and Dragon O T A. In fact, I've read many that were over 1000 pages. Once I get into a book, I never want it to end.

But I certainly know what you're talking about, Michael K. Time always becomes an issue. And if you look forward to the final payoff at the end of a book, a longer book can be a bit frustrating. Over the years, I've found the straightest pathway to happiness is a simple path: one is less stressed when functioning as life and time-limits demand. But who knows? Someday, you might enjoy longer books once again, as you did in the past. However, the best way to enjoy life is to do what suits you at the moment. I usually don't go wrong with that philosophy.

And as I said, it's good to be back.

My best to all of you.

Ronald T.

Don't forget, Crystalline and Dragon, that if the book seems to be getting too long, you can split it into two books. You just have to find a good breaking point, then create a satisfactory ending for the first portion, and finally, write a great tie-in for the beginning of the next volume. Authors do it all the time.

And it might make completing a smaller project easier on you, and more satisfying when you eventually have a finished project in hand. An additional value is...you have much of the second novel already written. It seems a win/win opportunity.

May the universe smile upon you and lead you swiftly past those temporary stumbling blocks.

I've been where you are now, and I had to break my first novel (originally right at a thousand pages) into two volumes. It took awhile, but it finally came together. Now I have two completed novels -- one at approximately 500 pages, the other right at 600 pages -- and the third novel in the series is less than 100 pages short of the final 600 pages planned.

From the sound of it, you both have all the material you need. Now it's just a matter of how to arrange and complete what you already have. I have every confidence you can do it. It sounds like you're so close to success, it just takes that final push.

As always, all my best.


@Malik & A.E. Lowan: product descriptions are a bitch. I just spent an hour cleaning one up, that I had already outsourced. Someday, I hope to find someone who can do the entirety of it!

(Here's part of mine)
The Countess Of Shimmering Bay:
A sorceress has cursed him.
A countess of profound beauty with a rare ability is his single hope.
To avoid becoming a monstrosity, Duke Filip Durand of Ilesia devises a plan to draw near the countess and learn her mystical secrets. There is only one small problem—he never intended to fall in love. Now she knows the truth about his affliction and after all they’ve endured together, it may be too late for him.

Some suitors have desired her riches.
Others have coveted her power.
Therefore, Countess Ida Almassy of Kalmar protects her heart behind a veritable wall of ice. Even from the charming duke visiting her castle, with whom she shares an inexplicable chemistry. His proposition of marriage promises to align their lands against a menacing darkness that threatens their future and the welfare of their people. However, she soon discovers the man she loves harbors a deadly secret—one leading to heartache and the destruction of the magic sustaining her life.

Together they must band against the evil that plagues their homeland and promises to destroy their most valued asset: each other.

(And of course, I had to add in a sex warning, since some readers would probably like to know what lies between the covers heh)
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@Malik & A.E. Lowan: product descriptions are a bitch. I just spent an hour cleaning one up, that I had already outsourced. Someday, I hope to find someone who can do the entirety of it!

(Here's part of mine)
The Countess Of Shimmering Bay:
A sorceress has cursed him.
A countess of profound beauty with a rare ability is his single hope.
To avoid becoming a monstrosity, Duke Filip Durand of Ilesia devises a plan to draw near the countess and learn her mystical secrets. There is only one small problem—he never intended to fall in love. Now she knows the truth about his affliction and after all they’ve endured together, it may be too late for him.

Some suitors have desired her riches.
Others have coveted her power.
Therefore, Countess Ida Almassy of Kalmar protects her heart behind a veritable wall of ice. Even from the charming duke visiting her castle, with whom she shares an inexplicable chemistry. His proposition of marriage promises to align their lands against a menacing darkness that threatens their future and the welfare of their people. However, she soon discovers the man she loves harbors a deadly secret—one leading to heartache and the destruction of the magic sustaining her life.

Together they must band against the evil that plagues their homeland and promises to destroy their most valued asset: each other.

(And of course, I had to add in a sex warning, since some readers would probably like to know what lies between the covers heh)

The part about avoiding becoming a monstrosity intrigues me. I'd say it's good then.
Ronald T.: Thank you kindly. :) My main 'problem' is that I have a lot of background information that is really interesting but not really related to the story.


Ronald T.: Thank you kindly. :) My main 'problem' is that I have a lot of background information that is really interesting but not really related to the story.

It doesn't have to go in the story. This is the whole "iceberg theory" of worldbuilding, again. The size of the iceberg beneath the water is what stabilizes the tip that the readers can see. There is no such thing as too much worldbuilding; only too many infodumps. And that's for your editor to decide, anyway. :cool:

Insolent Lad

Though it is not at all what I thought I would be working on right now, I find myself about halfway through typing out another 'fantasy adventure' almost certainly to be titled The Crocodile's Son, and following the life in retirement of the former Pirate Queen, Qala, who was a secondary character in my The Eyes of the Wind. Her life is complicated by the fact that a god-in-disguise got her pregnant and more or less abandoned her (hence the title). Plus said god's relatives are taking an interest and her noble neighbor's bride-to-be has run off and her young bailiff has fallen in love with her and, oh yes, she kind of prefers girls herself.

Ronald T.

I just received the first formatted version of my second novel, A DIRE ONUS, last evening. And now my work begins again as I go over everything with a fine-tooth comb.

If all goes well, and there are only a few typos and formatting corrections to be made, I will be able to e-publish the second volume of “The Blood-Rune Saga” series in the next week or so. You can watch for it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and all the Smashwords sites.

After all the endless hours and hard work, I must admit, this is always an exciting time.

As usual, my best wishes to all of you.
I just received the first formatted version of my second novel, A DIRE ONUS, last evening. And now my work begins again as I go over everything with a fine-tooth comb.

If all goes well, and there are only a few typos and formatting corrections to be made, I will be able to e-publish the second volume of “The Blood-Rune Saga” series in the next week or so. You can watch for it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and all the Smashwords sites.

After all the endless hours and hard work, I must admit, this is always an exciting time.

As usual, my best wishes to all of you.

OOH! That's so exciting! Congrats!!!
^Thank you! I have pretty much all I need to publish it; I found this great publishing website, my book just needs a bit of editing, and then I need to paint the cover.


Side project, a children's picture book with my wife. Rosie the Toad and the Pie a la Mode Overload.

My wife found a frog in a rose, and painted it from memory last Saturday, and I started dorking around with rhymes about toads in rose abodes, and then we got drunk and started rhyming and sketching, and now we're storyboarded and she's starting on the art. it will probably be a Christmas present for family and friends who have small children. It's a nice break, though.


I'm working on a short story about how 3 Maya Indian heroes in 2071A.D. conquer the United States. I am deeply interested in the Maya and enjoy writing stories and whole novels about them. This one is mixed fantasy and science fiction. It needs another week's worth of work before it'll be ready to show to anyone.