Miles Lacey
Question 139: Are birthdays celebrated? If not, is there a similar sort of event? If so, how is it celebrated?
Birthdays are celebrated but not necessarily annually. Birthday celebrations are held only in the following years in the Tarakan Empire:
The actual day of birth.
The 3rd birthday when a toddler becomes a child.
The 6th birthday when a child enters school.
The 11th birthday when a child reaches the age of accountability. Prior to this age the parents are legally liable for whatever their children do. From this age the child is legally liable for their actions.
The 16th birthday when a child becomes an adult. The few who will receive the Spark are gifted this on their 16th birthday. In the Tarakan Empire a 16 year old gains the right to have sex, have children and get married but not to vote or take part in elections. They also cannot sign a contract without parental consent. (As with our world, the median age of consent in my WIP is 16.)
The 21st birthday when an adult gains all the rights and obligations of adulthood.
The 60th birthday when a person becomes an elder.
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