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The Kingdom of Engwrath



I would image-tag this image, but it seems to overlap with the actual page of the post itself. Very strange.

This template of the Kingdom of Engwrath is clearly inspired by the United Kingdom. I would be lying if I said I did not have any trouble on deciding what scale to base it. Geography is really not my strong point.

Some questions:
I have a simple question for you: is this a valid layout?

Since Middle Earth is a single continent in Arda, is it okay to base my map off of what is essentially a country that has countries within?

What is the scale of your maps?

I really have a lot of questions concerning geography, but if I'd sound a fool if I asked.
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Sure it's okay to make your map a country with countries within. The world where 99 percent of my stories take place is eleven times the size of earth and has eight continents, the smallest of which is twice the size of Africa. That's not including all the islands and polar regions.
Hope this helps. Feel free to send me messages any time with any other questions you might have.
The layout is perfectly valid. I suppose for your story, the action only takes place on the 4 countries shown. In that case, this layout shows teh reader only the data they need to know. One can assume there are other, uncharted territories beyond the edges of the map, which you can flesh out in later installments of your story. The map for my world is much larger than this, as it maps out an entire continent from its northern Arctic isles to its coast below the tropics. It's implied in my story there are other islands and continents, though I don't forsee these playing any significant role. The only reason my scale is this small is because I'm trying to make my map look like it was put together by an explorer's agency, like the National Geographic or Royal Geographic Society. Your map looks just right for a pre-industrial society, such as something in a scholar's library, prepared by a historian, like the early world maps of Europe, North Africa, and western Asia.

Leif GS Notae

Closed Account
That looks valid to me, I have to admit it certainly seems normal. I think the real problem will be when you get to your geography and how you want the mountains and rivers to play out. If you are looking for tips, I am sure we can offer. There is no dumb question, unless it is asked by that Leif guy... Then it is all over...

Or something.

Good design, look forward to hearing how it pans out!


Thanks everyone!
Indeed I imagine if you zoomed out of my world there would be large continents, too. I plan to be forging my world bit by bit for years to come, so I have plenty of time to flesh out the world.
Right now I'm going to focus on the story aspect. It'll all come with time, I suppose.
Edit: Also, yes, the story will be set within this kingdom.
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Codey Amprim

Article Team
I think it is quite fine. My world, Aros, is consisted of only one singular continent as of the present. Think of Pangea* (I think that's how it's spelled). But regardless, there are a multitude of kingdoms all under the banner of a higher one. While being slightly independent kingdoms and dukedoms at the same time, they still follow the whole premise of countries within a country.

Anything is possible in fantasy; remember that.



Again, I would image-tag it, but it seems to be clipping over the border of the site itself in a very severe way. It might just be my resolution or something.

I've decided to transform the landscape in to a full-blown continent. Basing your land on such a small country (United Kingdom) is a fairly absurd idea if your world features a wide variety of races and factions. I imagine most people want to convey a sense of scale and depth to the world they have created.
I've got the basic mainland down and I've added, in the northern region, an island that is essential to my narrative.

Any tips, guys?
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