I saw the "last" installment of the Christian Bale Batman movies today. (Yeah, yeah, what can I say? I work a lot and I don't get out much.)
I just wanted to say that I don't see what all the hype is about. It was okay. Not great. The chick who played Catwoman was meh. Too two-dimensional for my liking. Couldn't hold a candle to Michelle Pfeiffer.
I was glad to seeVal Kilmer's the washed up actor's character get killed. What was the deal having him in that movie anyway? A mercy job by the producers? Is he a personal friend of Nolan? Also, it was a bit much to have him wearing his dress uniform.
They did a good job with Bane (even if they didn't follow the Knightfall story 100%). Nice plot twist by having the chick be Ra's al Ghul's daughter.
Having every cop in the city go into the sewer was idiotic and unrealistic for even a comic book movie. I mean, really? That's the best that the screenwriters could come up with?
The Batcycle and "Bat" helicopter thing were cool.
But despite all the pros and cons that I just listed (which are, of course, MY OPINION), the absolute coolest thing in the entire movie is the fact that the GOTHAM CITY ROGUES are played by the greatest football team in the history of football, THE PITTSBURGH STEELERS!
And in one of the best scenes of the movie, one of the greatest wide receivers of all time, Hines Ward, makes a phenomenal run for a TD:
I just wanted to say that I don't see what all the hype is about. It was okay. Not great. The chick who played Catwoman was meh. Too two-dimensional for my liking. Couldn't hold a candle to Michelle Pfeiffer.
I was glad to see
They did a good job with Bane (even if they didn't follow the Knightfall story 100%). Nice plot twist by having the chick be Ra's al Ghul's daughter.
Having every cop in the city go into the sewer was idiotic and unrealistic for even a comic book movie. I mean, really? That's the best that the screenwriters could come up with?
The Batcycle and "Bat" helicopter thing were cool.
But despite all the pros and cons that I just listed (which are, of course, MY OPINION), the absolute coolest thing in the entire movie is the fact that the GOTHAM CITY ROGUES are played by the greatest football team in the history of football, THE PITTSBURGH STEELERS!
And in one of the best scenes of the movie, one of the greatest wide receivers of all time, Hines Ward, makes a phenomenal run for a TD:
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