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What's a detail in fictional media (Games or otherwise) that bugs you but shouldn't.

For me it's little world-buildy things that feel like they SHOULD be explained to the viewer, but just aren't for...some reason.

Like for example lots of anime games sometimes feature characters who's hair glows, and I don't mean like the light is refracting off of it, I mean legit glowing like a nightstick lol

It doesn't have to be an in depth explanation with a long lore dump or anything.
I just would like to know, although I'd be annoyed if the answer was simply 'magic' even if it was 'magic' I'd still like a better excuse than just 'it's magic silly' lol

Sometimes it's easy to tell why, but most of the time it isn't.
Anime is one area that can be nonsensical for nonsensical’s sake.

I don’t really understand what Sauron actually wants, or why he imbued his power into a bunch of rings, or why he took over Middle Earth just to destroy it. Same with Voldemort, like what’s his deal??

I like a good baddie, but they gots to have a plausible reason other than ‘because they’re evil’.


toujours gai, archie
Evil naturally wishes to extinguish good, just as good naturally wishes to extinguish evil. This lies at the base of most true villains (as distinct from "bad guys" or antagonists).

No details bug me in themselves. There is no detail that cannot be made good.

Bad writing bugs me, regardless of medium, most particularly writing that is bad when the author clearly could and ought to have done better. This includes rushed writing, lazy, or sloppy writing.

Sometimes a premise can bother me. For example, I never enjoyed the Hunger Games because I thought the premise was ludicrous. The whole notion of the sacrifice as a method of ruling was just silly, and the games themselves were even sillier. The writing wasn't especially good, but even had it been stronger, it was just too hard to read while rolling my eyes. Which is odd, since I have no trouble at all accepting FTL or time travel or dragons. Go figure.

Miles Lacey

Post-Apocalyptic fiction has always been terrible.

I've been playing Fallout 4. Here is a society where they have access to oil fuelled generators but they can't build a motorised vehicle or an electric grid. They can find spare parts to build a huge assortment of guns and armour but rebuilding a house or building seems beyond their capabilities. Heck, they can't even build a shack that protects them from the weather or a decent road!

I love the game but the total inability of the locals to do anything until the vault dweller/sole survivor shows up speaks volumes about the contempt held by the creators of the game towards ordinary people and their to mobilise and work together without being motivated by a charismatic lone wolf character. It's really annoying.


toujours gai, archie
>Post-Apocalyptic fiction has always been terrible.
Such statements are always wrong. <grin>

On the Beach. A Canticle for Leibowitz. Earth Abides. I confess I haven't read much newer stuff because I lost interest in apocalypses some few decades ago, but I'm sure other folks can suggest other titles. No doubt seventy percent of post-apocalyptic literature is crap, but ... well, you know the rest.
World war z is definitely the best post apocalyptic book I’ve read, although could it be classed as post apocalyptic?? Zombie apocalypse is a thing. The film was terrible though, it should have stuck to the book and made it as diary entries.
Post-Apocalyptic fiction has always been terrible.

I've been playing Fallout 4. Here is a society where they have access to oil fuelled generators but they can't build a motorised vehicle or an electric grid. They can find spare parts to build a huge assortment of guns and armour but rebuilding a house or building seems beyond their capabilities. Heck, they can't even build a shack that protects them from the weather or a decent road!

I love the game but the total inability of the locals to do anything until the vault dweller/sole survivor shows up speaks volumes about the contempt held by the creators of the game towards ordinary people and their to mobilise and work together without being motivated by a charismatic lone wolf character. It's really annoying.
In Fallout's Defense, it's not like Water World and Mad Max are much better in that department. They're great movies but the amount of 'relying on the lone wolf main character' seems to be a staple in the genre. And to be fair the times they actually do get proactive and do shit it all goes to hell against a death claw or some shit. I do think game developers should stop making non story centric NPC's useless to make the protagonist shine, they SHOULDN'T outshine the main protagonist, but they should be able to tie their shoes or dust their house without having an aneurism.

The Zelda NPC's are literally useless, I can fight Ganon and shit but they can't even get a recipe given to them by princess Zelda herself right. Or you know, wait around long enough to hear her orders. I await the day where we get a Zelda NPC that can at least fight baddies properly. By which I mean without Link's involvement at all.
>Tea with Sauron
Definitely a saleable title. The story never gets very far because the Eye keeps breaking the china.
That's the joke, imagine trying to narrate Sauron drinking tea.
If done well as a parody, it'd be pretty funny.