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Writer's Bio


Do you guys use or are you sick of endless publication lists, etc. etc?

I've seen some interesting author bios recently (and since just about anything is available as far as publications/information by googling) I thought I might update my old boring bio. Tell me what ya think:

Kenny A. Chaffin began life as a single celled organism inside his mother’s body after a night of lustful sex under the H.S. Football bleachers. He grew up on a black-dirt farm in southern Oklahoma reading superhero comics, science and science fiction, and just wishing to be out, to be somewhere else, to be someone else. His wish was partially granted not by a genie, but by a good GPA and student loans for college where he smoked a lot of dope, did a lot of drugs, managed the student store, met his future wife and dropped out to become a janitor cleaning up after Art students. Having had enough of that he followed his future wife to the Rocky Mountains, got a degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and spent a lifetime in the soul-crushing Corporate Computer World before telling them to stick it and became a poet.

old one was some variation on this:

Kenny A. Chaffin writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction and has published work in Mobius: The Journal of Social Change, Scarlet Leaf Review, Microfiction Monday Magazine, 365 Tomorrows, Star*Line, Speculative 66, James Gunn’s Ad Astra, 101 Word Stories, and others. He grew up in southern Oklahoma and now lives in Denver where he works hard to support two cats, numerous wild birds and a bevy of squirrels. His poetry collections and other works are available at http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007S3SMY8.