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Writing diagrams?

I used to create mind maps when constructing plots, but don't really need to any more.

It probably helped when I was new to writing seriously.


Myth Weaver
I use something between a timeline, flowchart and mind map to try and keep thing in order.
Okay I plan to work like this but then get lost in the making of it...


I believe I used to write on filed paper. Mostly now, it is OneNote, unless you write in skeletal form.

Basically, anything you can think of, it is stored somewhere in your brain. When you write something down, or commit it to memory, there is a record of it.

It is like a black book. You can keep a diary, or a journal, but sometimes it is like a different language, getting duped later when you return to it.


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
I sometimes google 3 Act structure, and hit image search, to see the diagrams as a refresher. That's helpful sometimes, but you have to already know the terms.

Other than that, I sometimes wish I could commission some good diagrams because most of what's out there is more fluffy than helpful.


Myth Weaver
I am not really sure what the OP is after. One of my readers did make a flow chart for me of book 1, which was very cool, but unnecessary. I could diagram out my whole story, I have diagrammed sentences before, and I think my scrivener offers a way to do that with its tools, but...I don't really have a need for it. More important than that is just discipline to sit in chair and type it out.

As a curiosity, I would not turn away from one though.

But...I do not have any home-made tools on writing in a graphic form to post up.
Like Devor I Google the three act structure diagram from time to time, but because I write on my laptop I mainly use bullet points and lists to break my writing up into comprehensible bite sized pieces.
I've tried incorporating drawings and more abstract methods for plotting but find them to be more distracting than helpful.
I've always wanted to be one of those guys that had the clusters of notes pinned to the wall and red thread strung between them, but realistically my plot just isn't quite that convoluted.
Maybe by the time I'm writing book 3, but for now I just keep a few outline and notes tabs open while I'm working.


Myth Weaver
Funny, but the post makes me think of those cork boards with thread going every which way as well. My story has a lot of complexity and moving parts, but its pretty clear in my head.

I wonder if any consider having illustrations in their work? in truth, I only see these with books aimed at a younger audience, and maybe that alone is a reason not to have them, but if someone wanted to illustrate, would you want them on the pages of your work?
I wonder if any consider having illustrations in their work? in truth, I only see these with books aimed at a younger audience, and maybe that alone is a reason not to have them, but if someone wanted to illustrate, would you want them on the pages of your work?
Oh wow, it would be SO COOL to find a good indepentent artist and do a titled lithogram-style painting every few chapters...
Have a list of the illustrations at the beginning of the book...
Ah. That is now a new goal of mine.


I haven't used any visual aids in developing my story, or in drafting.

I've thought of printing out color pictures of characters from movies and shows that most closely align with my characters, and then hanging them up around my writing desk as a sort of inspiration or quick reminder of who they are. Never got around to it though.

I like pmmg's last question--I'd say I'd be on the fence on that issue. I guess it would depend on the illustrations themselves, on how much I liked them.


Myth Weaver
I think these would probably not create the feel I would want for the paperback, but in the hard cover....I could see having some prints. But...I'd have to sell a lot first to justify it. I'd never turn down fan art though ;) I'll make a place on my website for it if I get some.