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The DREA's; enforcing the supers

Not all regular anthros trust the supers. Hardly surprising given that they have abilities that can be extremely dangerous if misused. That was why Aurah's scientific and defence communities collaborated to produce the DREA; the Defence, Restraint and Enforcement Automat.

(Automat is the Aurahn's term for a robot, which substituted the old term because it implied forced labour.)

All DREA's have the same basic shape; a squat cube or pyramid surmounted by a dome or pyramid containing their sensory arrays. DREA's contain powerful computers that enable them to distinguish living beings from inanimate objects and supers from ordinary anthros. They also have propulsion systems attached; wheels or treads for crossing terrain, wings for flight, propellers for operating on water or rubber pads for climbing. They carry both lethal and non-lethal weapon systems.

DREA's were a popular tool for governments who wished to rein in rogue supers, but now the super villains are manufacturing their own models and ironically, a DREA restrain system may soon be needed.

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