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The Sciences in Kay's World

Biology is a far more important science on Aurah than in our world. It has made advances that have greatly benefitted the anthros and ensured continued sustainable development.
Sensitive anthro noses could not tolerate the large scale burning of coal and oil in the early industrialisation of Aurah. A viable alternative was found in the extraction of odourless methane from waste. The discovery of electricity brought with it electrical vehicles and trains that filled the cities and gave everyone individual freedom of travel. Aircraft were the only vehicles that tended to use liquid fuel, since it gave them the required power-to-weight ratio.
Algal cultivation is regularly practiced on offshore facilities in order to counteract the harmful effects of burning fossil fuels. Employees who tend these facilities are known as "scummers".
The use of microbes as manufacturing bodies is widely practiced in Aurah. It gave rise to a whole new field of computer science; organilectrics. An organilectric computer (such as those inside the DREA's) use the same principle as neural synapses to make them far more compact and powerful than binary computers. Instead of single logic gates either switching on or off, an organilectric logic gate can form a junction with multiple circuits and give varying strengths of messages.
Another use of biological structures in technology is in submersible manufacture. Aurahns are developing new submersibles that can dive deep and give clear all-round views while automatically compensating for the immense water pressures above.
Space travel is far more advanced in Aurah than in our world. It started earlier, given that methane propulsion was used to fire the earliest rockets. Now numerous probes have reached the very edge of the solar system and Aurah's moon is home to a permanent moonbase. Manned missions to the planets are imminent and it is even said that top scientists are manufacturing a portal that will soon make interstellar travel possible...

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