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How would you describe this place?


Myth Weaver
I see a white 'x' inside a black square, which in turn is surrounded by a white square. Very small, too.
This is not my art. I'm just wondering how different people write visualizations.
Click here if you want to see it bigger http://wallpapersonthe.net/wallpapers/l/scenic_city_floral_river_anime_oriental_tree-10442.jpg

Oh...Oh wow.

First of all, this would be a really neat challenge idea (describing the same place as depicted by artwork, perhaps interweaving a story with it?)

Second of all, there's a lot going on here. Is that water? It looks like water but I'm not sure, I'm questioning it the more I look at it. I'll have to think about this.

Let's see...usually I start with a "big picture" type establishment of the place, beginning with the lighting and colors, and sensory details...hard because this is just a picture.

Our MC exits the shop (I have to make something up) and squints in the bright sunlight flooding the walk alongside the canal. (Ok, i really don't think that's water but I can't figure out what it's supposed to be.) The buildings stacked up against the sky interlace with shady green boughs, and fast, cheerful chirping of birds mingles with conversation and footsteps on the walkways. Signs and banners shout out with bright colors. The air is fresh and brisk but warm. It's a jungle, a tumble of concrete and wire and leafy green shade. Our MC threads along the walkways, passing storefronts and shoppers, rising several stories into the sunlight as they cross the canal, then descending back into the bustling understory.

Hmm, I don't know how much I like my description. I wish I could get someone to draw my description. And get another artist to paint that. And have someone else describe that. And have yet another artist...like telephone, you know?

It's a really confusing picture to describe. O_O
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It's more obvious if you click the link and than click the picture to get a bigger view. It's kinda hard to see in that little pic


A street corner so teeming with life that the cold concrete can't keep the ivy from creeping-up the skyscraper walls - nourished by the water running through the canal-streets.

I think that's all the description I would use. I like to keep area descriptions short. I think you should really only describe a setting enough to give a generally mood and the general mood I get from the picture is "lively without being busy or bustling".


Gorgeous picture! The main picture I'd paint is a boat skimming a river of mirrors reflecting the busy advertising, tall buildings and leafy edges. I'd keep short too. Just my preference and quick idea.


Article Team
How I would describe it depends on my POV character. What words would be used, what gets highlighted, depends on my POV character, their emotions, and what I'm trying to convey.

A nature lover character will notice the lush greenery and how it meshes harmoniously with the buildings.

A linguist character may take notice of the collage of colorful signs and what they're each expressing.

A thief may notice none of the above and instead see all the easy marks lazily lounging around and take note of all the possible escape routes, over the bridge, through shadowed alleys, or through the water on the tiny water bus.

Like I said it all depends. It's not a case of one description fits all stories.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
An exotic city built high and densely. Its buildings stand along a network of canals where they share space with lush nature and opulent decor. This place lacks a grid and was built without an overarching plan, yet despite this all its aspects come together in a harmonious symbiosis of the animate and inanimate. Waterborne trams move past shops on the promenade. Above them, people walk on thin and hanging, metallic bridges. The occassional child jumping into the cool, refreshing water, often looked upon closely by an accompanying and now also aggravated adult. Even higher up in the hustle-and-bustle people live and work inside tightly-built residences and offices. From up there they can overlook the peaceful pandemonium of this place. This city always bustles with life, but its denizens reside it with tranquil grace. All living calmly in a community of a thousand sounds and sights, where their near future relies on the whims of faith. Adventure calls, but it does so softly and gently.

EDIT: I wrote this without looking at any of the other comments.
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This is like reverse engendering the question "what do different people visualize when I describe a setting"


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
I really think we should create a challenge based around this concept. I would do it, but I very much want to participate because of how much I liked doing this one. If it was turned into a contest however, I think everyone should also write a short story to go long with the place.
I really think we should create a challenge based around this concept. I would do it, but I very much want to participate because of how much I liked doing this one. If it was turned into a contest however, I think everyone should also write a short story to go long with the place.

I second this! It was really fun. It'd have to be a flash fiction type thing though...I'm rather busy...


I'd really like to see that. so much could be learned. especially for a newbie like me. You could even do a few pictures, linking one to the next through story. Each person could chose the order they want to writ the pictures/ story in and I bet you'd have a lot of variation
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Okay I'ma try it. I'm super new to writing so I've been a little shy with my dyslexia. Sometimes grammar is a challenge for me but spell-check usually fixes any creative spelling.

Trees sprouted from every ledge, nook and cranny of the towering buildings above the canal. Christal blue waters sparkled in the dappled light and bird songs echoed in the cathedral like canopy above. As I floated past the various shops, markets and cafes in the trolly boat, signs of every color peaked out from the lush green. The reflection of tall buildings in the still water created the allusion of gliding several stories above the city.

You can tell I'm a nature lover.
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Okay I'ma try it. I'm super new to writing so I've been a little shy with my dyslexia. Sometimes grammar is a challenge for me but spell-check usually fixes any creative spelling.

Trees sprouted from every ledge, nook and cranny of the towering buildings above the canal. Christal blue waters sparkled in the dappled light and bird songs echoed in the cathedral like canopy above. As I floated past the various shops, markets and cafes in the trolly boat, signs of every color peaked out from the lush green. The reflection of tall buildings in the still water created the allusion of gliding several stories above the city.

You can tell I'm a nature lover.

I like it! Especially the dappled light...Nature lover here as well. :D