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toujours gai, archie
You read mine; I read yours. We both make comments. The presumption is that both manuscripts are in complete or nearly complete form, though not usually editor-polished form. It's not a chapter-by-chapter thing. This sets beta reading apart from crit groups, which tend to deal only with chapter length or shorter.

Some people offer to beta read for money. I don't regard that as beta reading, I regard it as cheap editing.
Thanks. Is there any list on the site where members let the community know they'd like to share beta-reading swaps?


toujours gai, archie
But also look around. There are entire sites for beta reading, including places like Goodreads. I encourage you to do some research on the topic--there are good articles about how to find beta readers and how to work with them, along with wise warnings. Especially for the beginning writer, having one's work reviewed by someone who is rude or dismissive can be truly devastating. Know what you're asking for.

I started by going to a local critique group at my library. F2F was a better venue for this beginner. You might consider that.


Some people offer to beta read for money. I don't regard that as beta reading, I regard it as cheap editing.

This is something I've been considering doing. I don't have the time to really dedicate to properly editing manuscripts right now, but I can offer a solid overall developmental edit in the form of a modified beta read

It's not "classy," but the older I get, the less i care what others think of choices I make that are best for both my clients and myself *shrug*

Definitely some great bang-for-your-buck if you can find an excellent beta reader who truly functions as a dev editor ;)
Besides reading a work in full, and giving feedback, what's involved with being a beta reader? Is there a "method of analysis" that one has to follow?


toujours gai, archie
Not has to, but there are a number of sites that offer guidelines. Try searching on "guidelines for beta readers" and choose what seems right for you.

Black Dragon
