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the writing process

  1. Kalipso

    Resolving Plot Holes

    Probably a silly question, but does anyone else struggle with figuring out a way to fill in plot holes? I feel like I'm never able to find a satisfying way to resolve them. I bring this up because I was trying to figure out a way for my MC to have unknowingly been frozen in time for hundreds of...
  2. A pantser - A discovery writer

    Part 3 - Getting back to writing after extended pause.

    As work too over my life for a few months and then the home improvement projects took over for few more months, my writing had to wait. In order to not begin planning and then being unable to write I had rules for myself, to keep my thoughts away from the story as much as possible and if I felt...
  3. A pantser - A discovery writer

    Part 2 - Discovery writing.

    As I was writing chapter 1, with the interaction between the guard (I now can not kill) and the princess, it was so much fun to write and the words just came by themselves. As I am moving the story ahead I am aware I am missing the bridge between chapter 1 and 2 but I do not let that bother me...
  4. A pantser - A discovery writer

    Part 1 - Now, what has worked for me? So far so good...

    Realizing and coming to terms with it, that I am a pantser or in other words discovery writer... I have tried and tried to plan my stories but every time I do that I lose the ability to write the story, I get stuck, I just can't seem to write anything. I know what is suppose to happen and I...
  5. A pantser - A discovery writer

    A pantser - A discovery writer

    Realizing and coming to terms with it, that I am a pantser or in other words discovery writer... Lets see how that goes... o_O Still trying to figure out how this portfolio thing works... :ROFLMAO: