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A long semester.


We were hit with a severe snowstorm this weekend, and today I woke up to the news that one of my college friends was killed in a car accident last night. This is barely two weeks after another girl, who I knew but didn't consider a close friend, died in a fatal crash as well. Attending a small, close-knit college, you get to know everyone somehow, and it affects the whole school when a tragedy occurs. It's going to be rough going back after winter break.

This is the third person I've known personally who's died in a car crash since I started college. It's senseless. It doesn't feel real.


Oh Tom, I’m so sorry... Please take care of yourself, and reach out to others who are grieving too... Having a community around you can be so important in times like this.
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Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
That sounds horrible. Take your time Tom and write or do something that makes you feel good.
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Thanks, guys. I called off work just to process everything, and I've been writing a little and drawing some holiday stuff for friends.