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Hello. I could be anywhere, on the beach in Cancun, in the straits of Berring or even in the deadly silent vacuum of space. However, as of this moment I am on this website. I am an avid reader and an amateur writer, having made several short stories but no book as of yet. I dream of the day when I publish a book or book series. I am hoping to learn easier ways to get out of writers block and generally have fun. I hope to be a productive member of the community.


Welcome Anoneslode. I am currently connected to wi-fi at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Actually it's not called wi-fi, it has a much more complicated name, but I call it wi-fi to make it easy for every to understand. Anyway welcome. You'll fine many thread pertaining to your needs and can even create one yourself if you have any specific questions. We are a helpful community, and always encourage people to keep writing. Even if you're an amateur writer don't be afraid to enter contests or post works in the showcase or portfolio. A lot of people will provide feedback, but nobody will ever tell you to stop writing. Again welcome to mythicscribes we hop you enjoy writing and spending time with us.