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Ask me about herbal medicine


Myth Weaver
Two things I am always looking for.

Plants that stop bleeding, and plants that dull pain (and plants that glow in the dark as a third).

Often, I have to make them up.

I generally look for these in two climates. A cold northern climate, and a warm southern climate.

What would you expect I would find?


toujours gai, archie
I'm with pmmg. I sometimes will take a browse through plant lore, like browsing a catalog. But when it comes time to write, I invent what the story needs. One of the advantages of writing fantasy.
Plants that stop bleeding, and plants that dull pain (and plants that glow in the dark as a third).
I hope you found Achillea / yarrow for helping clotting, as I know it’s a coagulant. Glow in the dark plants you could look at ‘moon planting’. Lots of mallows have white flowers that ‘glow’ in the dark - or essentially in the light of the moon.