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Belated introduction


Hi all,
I've been posting a little on this site, so I figured that I really should introduce myself. I've published a little non-fiction and currently have a non-fiction book contract, so I'm working on that. In my spare time, I'm trying to write some fiction as well. This looks like a very interesting group and I'm keen to interact (and to learn, of course!).
Regards, Genly.

Joe McM

Hi all,
I've been posting a little on this site, so I figured that I really should introduce myself. I've published a little non-fiction and currently have a non-fiction book contract, so I'm working on that. In my spare time, I'm trying to write some fiction as well. This looks like a very interesting group and I'm keen to interact (and to learn, of course!).
Regards, Genly.
Greetings Genly,

Nice to meet you, so to speak. I joined this site today.


I'm writing a book on the nearest extrasolar planets, both real ones discovered by astronomers and imaginary ones described by science fiction writers.

Ned Marcus

I'm writing a book on the nearest extrasolar planets, both real ones discovered by astronomers and imaginary ones described by science fiction writers.
That's interesting. How much is known about the nearest extrasolar planets?


What is known varies a lot from planet to planet. Sometimes almost nothing is really known except orbital parameters, minimum mass and minimum temperature. Numerical simulation is often used to fill in the gaps in our current knowledge, but that still leaves a lot of room for speculation. The comparisons between the real planets of a stellar system and the ones dreamed up by science fiction writers that are supposed to inhabit the same system are sometimes quirky, often thought-provoking. Lots of room for discussion.


Also, I've put a short excerpt of my fantasy novel in Critique Requests. It would be great if you could find the time to give some feedback (happy to return the favor at some time, of course!).


Hi all,
I've been posting a little on this site, so I figured that I really should introduce myself. I've published a little non-fiction and currently have a non-fiction book contract, so I'm working on that. In my spare time, I'm trying to write some fiction as well. This looks like a very interesting group and I'm keen to interact (and to learn, of course!).
Regards, Genly.
Ai like your choice of username. :)