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Best time to write?

I am consistently better in the morning than evening. I can't tell you how many times I've solved a problem at 5:00 am that seemed hopeless at 9:00 the previous night.
I am a 3rd shift worker so I write best on my days off in the middle of the night between 1 and 3 AM really work for me. Somehow I can ignore the tv as background noise at night but during the day I can't.


Night time for me, which is odd because I work mornings. I don't know why, but something about it being late at night relaxes me and makes it easier to write.


For me, it#s not the time that's important, it's the circumstances. Either I have a great passion to writte right there and then, I cannot stop myself from writing what's in my head. Or, when I'm alone. I am very productive when I'm writing without anyone else close by. Not only am I able to listen to whatever music may help me pen my thoughts, but I'm also able to do all the silly rituals I do when thinking. One which springs to mind, hanging upside down on my sofa while talking to myself about the passage I'm on.
