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Cardinality (WIP)

What would be more interesting: the journey of fragmentation, or the journey of reintegration?

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a very brief...


Worlds within a world, consciousness within consciousness.

The Echo

The Echo, the deepest plane of existence, is nestled in the core. It consists of the shadow aspects of individuals from the Shell. Not necessarily their emotions, but the undesirable traits that one actively tries to hide. The darkness they try to hide. Aggression, deep insecurities, prejudices, narcissism, and so on. Aspects they fervently deny, bury, and try to forget.

The Maw

The next layer is the Maw, a plane that is conquered by primordial beings – born from indomitable emotions. Unhabitable, and immense landscapes seem to know no end, nor do the horrors of the creatures who roam. They embody emotions that have outgrown containment, whose very nature defies the possibility of civilization.

The Threshold

Beyond the Echo and the Maw, is the Threshold; a plane where the Echo and Maw converge. A transitional state of existence, for they cannot stay and settle. This liminal space can be a battleground or a meeting of minds, perhaps even both, facilitating the transformation of energies. Integration is the key; however, many cannot find a way to balance, and are cast back to their respective realms. These interactions are symbolic of moments when primal emotions and shadow aspects come to the surface – prompting inner reflections and potentially sparking their transformation for unity.

The Fold

If an entity can combine their Echo and Maw within the Threshold, they step over into the Fold. A sort of processing center; it serves as a mediator, marking transitions driven by reconciliation. The process of combining the Echo and the Maw is immeasurably exhausting, and the Fold allows moments of comfort and peace while an entity is reborn. This moment is fragile, and the Fold offers a sanctuary.

The Shell

Beyond these inner layers, on the very outside, is the Shell; which is the most Earth-like realm. While the Shell is the most structured, it is not free from influence from the inner layers. Elements of raw emotion from the Maw, or unresolved distortions from the Echo can seep into the Shell, either as inner conflicts, irrational fears, or inexplicable desires. Sometimes, they manifest as tragedies, such as murders, suicides, corruption, or mental illnesses. Nor is it free from influencing the inner layers. Souls in the Shell who deny aspect of themselves may send fragments into the Echo and Maw, populating these planes with distorted reflections of themselves. Some people realize they can draw power from these inner planes; unfortunately channeling these energies can become unwieldy for a Shell vessel and can easily choke them. This creates monstrous individuals, who have lost control.


Myth Weaver
Well...some parts can be fragmenting while others are sewing together, kind of a yin and yang relationship. Or perhaps as some pulls apart, something else comes to fill the gap.
Is there the possibility of a cycle? Eras of fragmenting followed by eras of reintegration?

I like this a lot. It's very focused and doesn't get to big for it's own britches which I think a lot of world builders fall into (myself included). There's a lot of room to expand on each of the layers too which is always good. I'd love to see some stories out of this.


Well...some parts can be fragmenting while others are sewing together, kind of a yin and yang relationship. Or perhaps as some pulls apart, something else comes to fill the gap.
That's a very good point. Especially if reintegration weakens the soul - focusing on one area while another one slips out. Like those scenes where the water is pouring in, and as soon as you patch that spot, another bursts open.

Is there the possibility of a cycle? Eras of fragmenting followed by eras of reintegration?

I like this a lot. It's very focused and doesn't get to big for it's own britches which I think a lot of world builders fall into (myself included). There's a lot of room to expand on each of the layers too which is always good. I'd love to see some stories out of this.
I would definitely love to explore cycles, as it is within life.
I fall into that a lot, myself. What was posted was a "brief" outline, I made a synopsis for each layer which helped me tremendously to pull it all back in.