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Copyright and Trademark Questions


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
Could I do something along the lines of "all quotes made by Tolkien characters derived from" and then list Tolkien's works I used. Than all quotes from Tolkien derived from and then list the sources. Would that pass?

So if it were me, I would do:

The quotes on pages 32, 47 and 73 come from Fellowship of the Ring, by JRR Tolkein, published....
The quotes on pages 12, 39, and the first quote on page 82 come from The Two Towers, by JRR Tolkein, published....
The quotes on pages 17, 21, and the second quote page 82 .....

Followed by a statement that reads something like: All credit for Bilbo, Frodo, Gandalf, LOTR, Two Towers, and anything else of Middle Earth goes to Tolkein.

Just like that. The page numbers in the Fellowship don't matter anywhere near as much as identifying where the quote is in your own book and making sure that it is clearly attributed to the correct author and work.


So if it were me, I would do:

The quotes on pages 32, 47 and 73 come from Fellowship of the Ring, by JRR Tolkein, published....
The quotes on pages 12, 39, and the first quote on page 82 come from The Two Towers, by JRR Tolkein, published....
The quotes on pages 17, 21, and the second quote page 82 .....

Followed by a statement that reads something like: All credit for Bilbo, Frodo, Gandalf, LOTR, Two Towers, and anything else of Middle Earth goes to Tolkein.

Just like that. The page numbers in the Fellowship don't matter anywhere near as much as identifying where the quote is in your own book and making sure that it is clearly attributed to the correct author and work.



Question on citing. Say I have the next 3 quotes that all come from the same source. Can I give a citation for the first use but not the next two and keep that pattern of citation. Then explain in the back of the book that contains the sources that I used this method. Or must I use Ibid each time?


Myth Weaver
The format would be like:

"Some quote" (TOLKIEN, J. R. R. (2020). Fellowship of the ring. HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS.)

"Some quote 2" (Tolkien, 2020)

"Some quote 3" (Tolkien, 2020)

Maybe you could try quoting it in the format Wikipedia uses.

"Some quote" [1]
"Some quote 2" [2]
"some quote 3" [3]

[1], [2], [3] TOLKIEN, J. R. R. (2020). Fellowship of the ring. HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS.

Again, unless this is a academic work, I'd not sweat so much dotting all the T's and crossing the I's.


Myth Weaver
Ya know....

If you quote it at all, I doubt you will be before a judge explaining your copyright infringement because you did not use Chicago style correctly. Your college professor might not like that the style is wrong, but If its not for academia, a style like wiki ought to be sufficient.