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Creation is logic


It became important for me to keep the logic and consequence when I started to work on D'Elem universe, its races and its traditions. One of the nations I have in D'Elem is elves - there are not much things we know about that race. For sure we know they have long ears, they live in the forest, they use bows as weapons and worship the Nature.
I don't recall their reasons for doing all that things, nevertheless I can not be strict about there is no description of that. I share what I know.

Well, I have elves in D'Elem, and yes, they have long ears but.... they live in the city, the worship balance and their knowledge is based on understanding of nature's principles. They have unique architecture, the have laws and traditions. D'Elem is a fiction, not an encyclopedia and it made me hard to intertwine content and presentation. And every detail must have its purpose - that is the main goal.

I remember working on an illustration that shows ornaments of the elven houses, I pursued to fill the design with the whole spirit of elven race. Cause I believe true beauty is the absolute cradle of logic, no matter in which form is appears: words, illustration, music. Any art is supposed to be logical. That's my point.

P.S.: sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my native language.


I'm sorry, but did you have a question or did you want to discuss something? You sort of just make statements here.


Article Team
Creation is indeed logic. The question is whether you chose to explore it or not. If you have a reason for things being the way they are you have an easier time coming up with consequences for things that happen. You don't have to though, it's all about personal preference.



it was not a statement, it was kind of opinion and question what other people think about it. I am far from being a God to state anything)