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Creation of a Fantast world in a cummunity


New Member
Hi, I have the dream to create a fantasy world, but after many attempts I realized that is impossible for me. So I thought that maybe I need help. So here there us my idea: for who is interested can text me and together we will draw the shape of the world and everyone could create a race/kingdom and then put them together.


Myth Weaver
So many resources, both paid and free. Fractal Terrains isn't free, but it can create an endless number of full world maps, and you can go through them until finding one you like. Or even take a piece from one and use it. If I wanted something fast, that's the route I'd take, though I'm more of a pencil-and-paper guy until I'm ready to take it to Photoshop.


Myth Weaver
I like making mine completely custom without name generators.

Mine are about 90% custom. I do make use of names from lists and baby name sites, but for minor nonhuman characters I will resort to random name generators. The OP seemed especially lost, so maybe the site will be of help.
Hi, I have the dream to create a fantasy world, but after many attempts I realized that is impossible for me. So I thought that maybe I need help. So here there us my idea: for who is interested can text me and together we will draw the shape of the world and everyone could create a race/kingdom and then put them together.
"I realized it was impossible for me."

There is no prison so strong as the one you lock yourself in.

Start small with one country and work out from there. Our world has taken 4.5 billion years to get to the shape it is, so anything less than that and you're ahead of the curve. You CAN do this.


"There is no prison so strong as the one you lock yourself in."

Actually, a world that is a prison where the prisoners are not aware of the fact that they are prisoners doesn't sound bad. It sounds familiar, though.

Anyway, thanks for inspiring me.