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Did the Harry Potter books have a real story underneath.

Sometimes assassins use the power of Sirius, they pick a day or actual time to do thier dark magic, the sad event below happened on the "Ides of March" associated with the assassination of Julius Caesar, the massacre happened at 13:40 pm, in Christchurch, New Zealand, when Sirius was rising along the Eastern horizon.
Christchurch mosque shootings - Wikipedia
Have i got you spooked yet?
Please right click on IMG below, you may have to also right click on view image to see astronomy graph:-

J.K. Rowling must be aware of secret "Astrology Magic", some have star names like "Orion Black" named after the "Constellation of Orion, there is another powerful star there in the Belt of Orion called "Alnilam" that is also used as a powerful energy source by magician's as Isis is Sirius and Alnilam is Osiris.
Orion Black
Regulus Black was named after the Alpha star of Leo, a Royal Persian star, and ruler of the angles of the Earth:-
Regulus Black
I have left a short video about the Constellation of Orion being associated with Osiris below:-
Could Kingsley Shacklebolt be Kingley Martin?
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Kingsley Martin - Wikipedia
There isn't much really known about the mystical beliefs of George Bernard Shaw, one of the leading lights of the Fabian Society as shown below:-
George Bernard Shaw - Wikipedia
but we might get a clue, as he had a roving eye for the ladies, two very important ladies in his life, one helped him being a playwright:-
Annie Horniman - Wikipedia
She was also a friend of W.B.Yeats
W. B. Yeats - Wikipedia
Florence Farr was the mistress of George Bernard Shaw and alleged mistress to W.B. Yeats:-
Florence Farr - Wikipedia
All except George Bernard Shaw were members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
In the late Victorian era saw the development of a number of movements which amounted to a rejection of the priciples of Victorianism, they were responding to the social changes due to the shift from an agricultural to an industrial society and the decline of traditional religious beliefs.
Many of these groups were marxist or socialist in nature, marxism become a dirty word much later with the emerging Soviet Union, but to these people it was new and exciting as a political view being theory!
When Gandhi came to London in 1888, there wasn't many Vegetarian Restaurants in London, the one in Farringdon Street was the prime one not far from Memorial Hall that the Fabians are associated with, link below:-
History of Vegetarianism - IVU History
Here he rubbed shoulders with many Fabians that were vegetarians, meeting Annie Besant, Blavatsky etc.
Annie Besant was a supporter of Irish and Indian self rule, the Fabians didn't like the idea of sucking dry other countries to create an empire!
Annie Besant - Wikipedia
Below is a link to Annie Besant Vegetarianism and Theosophy
Obviously Gandhi loved the idea of independence for India, and so he should!
But many mystics were Vegetarian like the co-founder of the Golden Dawn, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, please scroll down to "Lifestyle" on link below;-
So due to all being vegetarian, they all sat down to dinner, and probably discussed many things, which is why they all are inter-mixed by the societies they belonged to!
Obviously another factor for mystics to be vegetarian was they were following Pythagoras.
Link to Theosophical Society below:-
Theosophical Society - Wikipedia
You must admit it was a heavy mix of socialist politicians and mystics!
At King's Cross Station there has been created a platform 9 3/4 because of the fans of Harry Potter, link below:-
Next i will be trying to find GRIMMAULD PLACE, many researchers have tried!
Grimmauld Place – The Harry Potter Lexicon
Link to Theosophical Society below:-
Theosophical Society - Wikipedia
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Number 12 Grimmauld Place was where Sirius Black was born, and was also the H.Q. of the Order of the Phoenix, so is very important to the story, it is said to be a Georgian terraced house, a twenty minute walk from kings Cross Station.
Because i think i know the true story behind Harry Potter, i have an edge on other researchers, i think it is in Fitzroy Street W1 London, or perhaps Fitzroy Square that joins Fitzroy Street.
This makes the journey just over a mile, and although this is for a car journey, you would walk it the same way!
20 minutes walk should see you in Fitzroy St. W1 London either way by walking from King's Cross.
But why do i think it is in this location?
Firstly please view Terraced Georgian houses on Fitzroy Square, picture below shows 5 to 50, so who lived at 29 from 1887 to 1898, i have mentioned him already?????
What was at 17 Fitzroy Street????
George Bernard Shaw
lived at No. 29 Fitzroy Square with his mother from 1887 to 1898 until his marriage.
In his biography Michael Holroyd writes that Shaw worked upstairs
in conditions of incredible squalor while his mother, neglecting all housework,
communicated with the dead with her planchette and Ouija board:
Shaw ‘wrote his first seven plays, his finest literary, music and theatre criticism
and carried out his most active political campaigning
in what Shaw called ‘this most repulsive house’.
On 1st March 1888, The Isis-Urania Temple was consecrated, and is the date of formation of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn....hows that for the "piece de resistance ha ha"
Shaw didn't marry until 1898, so was easy for members to drop into his shabby house after a hard days night using ceremonial magic at the temple, which was only a few steps away! (Florence Farr?)
Grimmald Place could mean Grim Old Place, the houses in Fitzroy Square have had a lot of money spent on them since 1888, when it was a run down area.
You can see the area was shabby over 100 years ago below:-
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A small picture of Fitzroy Street below, where the Isis Urania temple of the Golden Dawn was near to:-


Car dealers loiter outside the Fitzroy Cafe
on the corner of Warren Street and Fitzroy Street
The Temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was at 17 Fitzroy Street, it was consecrated on 1st March 1888.
Secret Paran astrology magic, is usaully applied by the day, but there are three day markers, ancient Egyptian and Roman being sunrise, ancient Greek day marker which is previous day at sunset, and modern midnight.
Then a day is chosen by that location, which in this case is London, that the Isis star Sirius or the Osiris star Alnilam, Belt of Orion is on one of four Cardinal Direction's, with a margin of 1 degree, being True North, South, East and West. this sometimes is called the Cross of Matter.
Cardinal direction - Wikipedia
It is an obvious alignment, as the Golden Dawn chose SUNRISE, while Alnilam, the Osiris star was on the Nadir, or True North, astronomy graph showing this below, please right click on IMG below, you may have to also right click on view image:-
I used to exchange emails with Michael Ward, who found a code in the Narnia books, relating to astrology myths (Leo being Aslan).
It isn't unusial to find codes that are intended in some childrens books.
C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien were members of "The Inklings", link below:-
Inklings - Wikipedia
So where did some of their material come from, please scroll down link above to "MEMBERS", if you tap on Owen Barfield, you will find he was an Athroposophist!
If you tap on Charles Williams you will find he belonged to "The Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, perhaps inspiration for "The Fellowship of the Ring"?
Not all that follow Hermeticism can be good, there are those that follow "The left hand path".
On 06/06/06 the "Church of Satan" performed a Satanic Mass in Los Angeles, California, a news report is below:-
The date in Los Angeles of 06/06/06 was aligned by ancient Greek day marker being sunset of previous day for as the Sun set so did Sirius the Isis Star!
Please right click on IMG below, you may have to right click on view image as well, to see astronomy graph showing both the Sun and Sirius set in the West at location of Los Angeles:-
Over the years, there has been many theories about the "Belt of Orion and Alnilam:-

But nothing beats Sirius, the Dog Star, for myths and legends:-

Aligning to Sirius and Alnilam is only one part of astrology magic, but be careful what you read in rare magic books and how you apply it!
Perhaps my favourite poet, Robert Southey, says it better than i...."THE MORAL....Henceforth let all young men take heed....How in a conjurer's books they read",...evil cackle, LOL!
Poem below, i hope you like it:-
After many years of study, an ancient book called "PICATRIX" needs to be fully understood to go forward in any practical sense, but i wouldn't advise you to do that, it could lead you into danger of a very real and concrete nature!