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Good morning


Morning everyone. I ran across this forum while searching for a local / online writing group. so far i have found some really nice threads and some helpful insight on this site. I hope to continue improving as an author and hope that i might be able to drop so tips or insight for others to use.

thanks for allowing my to join look forward to working with all of you.


Thanks Steerpike. Sorry if my posts look a little funny using my kindle fire to view and type at the moment. I also live in california, well of to work join everyone later for some coffee and stories.


Felis amatus
Yeah, I post from my Kindle Fire, or even from my phone at times. The only problem is that the word prediction sometimes selects the wrong word, and there are times I can't get back to the right point in my message to fix it. I'm enjoying the Fire overall, though, and looking forward to the next version.