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Greetings and salutootings!


I am at the very beginning of writing a trilogy. I really like the story arc and the narratives for the first and final books. The second is a little iffy but I have a good idea for the style of writing. I am struggling with writing anything other than dialogue, however. I think the bits I have are pretty good but when it comes to describing events, especially in the present tense, I need a lot of practice! Much of the main narrative of the first book is a stream of consciousness so I don't think I will struggle too much there. I am unsure of a pretty major structural point in the first book but perhaps that is worthy of a separate thread. Overall, I am very excited to be here and look forward to getting to know some of you better. I had a very brief chat with a few people who seemed lovely so, hello! It is a pleasure to introduce myself formally!



Jump into a discussion anywhere. The tea is hot and good, but if the stew has scales floating in it, it's best to skip it unless you wanna be visiting the chamberpot all night.


Myth Weaver
Hello Braveface
Welcome to Mythic Scribes
This is a great place to learn and share [and joke, chat, waste time - well you get the idea]
It all lies about the stew... the scales are essential minerals - good for what ails you!


Thank you both, and Ireth!

I am a little peckish, but I had beak yesterday. The roughage might do me good!


I had to write many last minute speeches and I found the easiest way to capture my thoughts was to use a tape recorder. I can then keep on referring back to my ramblings and write out my thoughts more clearly. I plan on using the same technique for writing my future stories and films. Good luck and can't wait to learn from you all as well.
