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Greetings. (Warning: This thread contains a lot of parantheses xD)


...Suffice to say I'm not very good at these intro posts usually but I'm willing to give it a go. To begin with, I count myself as being a new writer although I have written and finished stories all of my life (including those slightly odd/awful ones you wrote as a child, you know the ones) but I've never really shared them with anyone. I've decided that I want to take my writing more seriously and I believe that by getting involved in a forum centred on a subject I love with a group of fine people (I've been lurking for a while so I should know xD) should help with this.

I feel as though I'm rambling at this point lol, but other than writing and reading I really love to learn things. Honest. It is amazing how complex and interesting the world actually is, especially now that I've started seeing it in a whole new way.
Hail and well met, Ketsuki. Oh, you wrote those aweful stories as a child too did you:D, I look at them occasionally and say to myself "well, it can only get better". If you have any questions please ask.


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("...stay and share away then, for I will be your audience if you like, your avid reader too..." voiced the goblin within the slow passing night, where the prior concerns of the day had been all fraught with the needs of the moneygod with his dues and absolutions, indeed so much so that the goblin just needed to escape into anything Ketsuki could offer regardless of its merit, saying "...it's not much I know, but please accept a certain sense of audience and a feeling of deadline from me...", somehow the smile on the goblin's face at this point was one of expectation)


Thanks for the warm welcomes guys.

@AidanoftheTavern Oh, indeed they are helpful in that respect, reminding us how far we've come and that we can still improve if we believe. Onwards and upwards!

@fleamailman Thanks again for your kind words and insights my goblin friend. I may worry, maybe like others here that my work isn't good and such so it is really encouraging to feel a sense that people know and understand this, and are behind you all the way. At least that is the way I feel to be honest lol

@Giant Ha ha, seems like I need to increase my sneaking skills eh? :p


Closed Account
("...got to be selfish in forumland my friend..." replied the the goblin, adding "...for your readers are just along for the ride here, a mere pack of cards as alice put it, where you play for this audience, yes, but you never let them stop you, for nothing is here bar mere words on your screen...", whereupon the goblin offered two questions to think upon now, one, suppose no one liked your works but you did, would you continue and two, suppose everyone loved your works but you didn't, would you stop, adding "...in truth there is only you and this forumland in its total, where the strong post across it like on a journey to self in posts, and where the weak fall into subplots within individual forums, which one is you now...")
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Closed Account
and then the goblin welcomed yet another human to this forum here, "...I like that introduction indeed...", at which the goblin vaguely remembered his own motto of invisible in dailylife, anonymous on the internet, in that the swiss historically avoided the limelight, and yet, here on the internet at least the goblin could have all the anonymous recognition that any one goblin could ever possibly dream of, saying "...actually, no one should ever be old and invisible on forumland, moreover, since no one can prove anything about themselves here either, within reason now one could be whatever one wishes to be, where if a certain madness starts from this understanding, then bring on the madness now for it is fiction..."


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