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Hello everyone! My name is Matt Holmes, I hail from Leeds, United Kingdom and I have recently started writing the first of a planned saga of Fantasy Novels!

So yeah, nice to meet you all. I hope to learn a lot whilst I'm here and of course I'd like to make some like-minded friends!



Closed Account
(and then the goblin showed, saying "...alas human I do not share in your aspirations now, where I can befriend you though, and together perhaps we can just journey awhile doing posts aplenty together, so what say you human, a pact of sorts, ah, but eventually our paths must part because my anonymity ever awaits me still, whereas with luck fame and fortune awaits you instead, and where not, well at least you would known who you are by what you have posted, and where this anonymity just proves the sincerity of my words here...", whereupon the goblin stretched open the palm of hand and let slip a red carpet in front of Matt Holmes, believing that it was the done thing amongst posters now, adding "...so you'll stay for tea won't you, after all I believe it's often teatime on mythicscribes venue...", somehow the day was moving on passed them once more, it simply reminded the goblin that a livewriter is only a few posts away from his own oblivion on forumland)
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I hadn't a clue we humans had invented cloning machines... Matt seems to be a direct copy of myself. The only difference is that I hail from Scotland.
Good to see another long-haired, metalhead, Mjlonir enthusiast!

Hail, Matt!
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Closed Account
[footnote: readers from the other side of the pond or from continental europe might at this point might be having difficulty understanding how that supposedly european weather bufferzone across the channel is actually divided into sub cultures, namely england, whales, and scotland here, of which scotland is the most fascinating because it's the least known, however, for those who have never come across a scot, as well as for those who have not as yet managed to understand what they're saying, then indeed this recording might be of help both to normal people, and to these penniless writertypes here too, to get the most from the encounter, so just take a deep breath now]

warning: some of the words are of a strongly accented nature, parental guidance is advised, click here
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Hello Matt, how are you?

Greetings to you from a fellow Brit and welcome to the forums!

Hmm, your novel series sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to hopefully hearing more about it.

I wish you luck with your projects! :D
Hello! I'm pretty good, yourself?

You can find a thread in the showcase forum with a link to chapters of my first novel - the thread is called "Melankhir: Land of eternal war" if you want to check it out. Be extremely harsh with your verdict if you want :D

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