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Hello Mythic Scribes,

I'm Reaver. I"ve been away for quite a while and I just wanted to take this opportunity to welcome all of our new members to our community.

If there's anything I can do to be of assistance, please feel free to pm me at any time.

Thanks for joining the Scriptorium and again, welcome!

Caged Maiden

Article Team
Avast me hearties, our good friend Reaver is back! I'll catch ye' up on what ye' missed. Some thievin' sorts broke into me cabin an' stole me panties with the little Jolly Rogers on 'em. *Looks out over the crew* I know who ye' are, an' revenge will be both sweet an' swift-like. Also there was some fighting with fists and foreheads, but no one war seriously injured. We caught a newb cheatin' at cards and marooned him last week, an' after a slight miscalculation where the cap'n mistook a raisin for an island, we been sailing for three days into the bit o' the map where they draw all the little sea monsters.

So welcome back our friend and pass 'im the rum. We're fixin' to have us a little sing-along pirate-style. Someone grab a guitar or concertina or somethin'.


Welcome Back, Reaver.

Don't know that we've ever spoken, but your reputation proceeds you. I hope all is well in your world.