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Head to Head Albums?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Awesome dream - I wonder if any doctors have had similar dreams - and Pink Floyd lurks in the nightmares?

Dogs is amazing, huh? Some great passages - and mostly Dave singing, which is a plus for me. 'Sheep' is a close second. Love that tranquil beginning and then...
Sheep sounds great live. I took my wife to see Roger Waters who happened to tour in Hong Kong when we lived there. All but two of the songs were Pink Floyd (as opposed to solo stuff), so that's as close as I'll ever get to seeing a Floyd show.

Arcade Fire's growing on me since my brother got me two of their albums–and on CD, so when my iPod temporarily died, I could still listen to them in my car!

Here's "Joan of Arc" from their latest album, Reflektor.
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Ace, I'd never actually heard any Arcade Fire, thanks, Legendary! ('Joan' was my fav there)

Sheep sounds great live. I took my wife to see Roger Waters who happened to tour in Hong Kong when we lived there.

Awesome, wish I'd had a chance to see one of his shows, but every time he came to Oz I was broke. It sucked!

Ok, how about this one?

Colour and the Shape VS Foo Fighters

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Joan of Arc was "love at first listen" for me. The Suburbs album grew on me.

I've always been fascinated with Joan of Arc, and I immediately noticed the French girls sing "Jehanne Darc." That gave the song credibility for me, even though I'm aware the song's actually metaphorical, comparing someone else to Joan of Arc.

I never heard of Arcade Fire either until my brother got me both of their latest albums (Reflektor and The Suburbs) for Christmas.