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Hello everyone

I joined here some time ago while I was trying to write my first novel (which kinda failed) , and now that I'm working on a new story I'd like to return. The community looks great, and I've found several tips and tools here which have helped me in the writing process

Personally I'm into the fantasy genre, and I enjoy medieval inspired worlds filled with magic, mythical creatures and races, different cultures and lots of conflict. I love GRRM's "A Song of Ice and Fire" and Christopher Paolini's "Inheritance Cycle", and these series have inspired me to start creating and writing my own stories

I hope that I will be able to tell my own stories through a novel one day, but I'll face problems and hope to get support and find some of the answers here!

That's all (for now):cool2:


Myth Weaver
Hail and well met Chyntiania
Good to have you here.
If I had a penny for all the projects that never made it... I'd be a very rich man.:p
Everything is a learning process...
Leap in and paddle around, the water is lovely.
You should find all the support and help you can stand here... and a few great ways to procrastinate.


Welcome back. I am sure you will find plenty of useful, and hopefully entertaining, material here.