I'm getting ready to send out a query letter, but I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. Since I can't afford to have someone review it on a paid site, would someone here mind helping me out with this? I'd like to say what it's like, but it's not quite as severe as GRRM, but it's also not quite as religious as the Christian thriller writer Ted Dekker, so I'm not sure what to include on that end.
query letter said:The Wrath of the Fallen is a 109,000 word fantasy novel filled with action, intrigue, and treachery. It is the first in a planned series, which is tentatively titled Undying.
In less than one hundred years, young by elven standards, Tanok has made an enemy of almost everyone who knows him. He proudly claims the title of heathen, as he hates the gods of his people and blames them for his family’s destruction. However, when he is called separately by Ilahar, the enemy of his gods, and by Sati, a dangerous priestess who conspires to destroy all that he still loves, he is forced to make a decision that will not only change his life, but the world.
Thank you for your time and attention.