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Hi everyone!


I'm a middle school science teacher in Connecticut. I've been into sci-fi/fantasy my whole life, since reading Tamora Pierce's "Song of the Lioness" series in 4th grade. Teaching middle school for 4 years has put me back in touch with young adult fantasy, and I realized I missed terribly talking to people about reading and writing. I have a pet-project novel I've been playing with for.... well, suffice to say a long time, that I hope to one day actually complete. Outside of teaching and writing, I love theater, anything outdoorsy, and I'm a huge foodie :)

I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone!
Welcome to the forums, Lapis! Normally I would be a little scared, but I've gotten along surprisingly well with the other teachers on the forum, so I'm sure we'll be fine ;). What do you teach?

Everyone here is extremely nice and helpful, so I'm sure you'll love it.
I'm not one of those scary teachers, I don't think. The thought of myself as a grown-up at all is not something I like to embrace ;) I teach Science to 5th and 6th grade, which is a spectacular job. I'm actually looking to go back to grad school sometime soon. Being on the teaching side of a desk is great, but exhausting.

Thanks for the welcome!


Teaching is an honorable profession. Thank you for being an educator, and welcome to the forums!

So you're a foodie, huh? Maybe you can answer a question I have: What's the best wine to have with a ribeye steak?

Leif GS Notae

Closed Account
Welcome Lapis, I am sure you will enjoy yourself here. We are a friendly bunch... well, except for that Leif guy... I'd keep your eye out for him...

Er... um... *shifts eyes* welcome!
So you're a foodie, huh? Maybe you can answer a question I have: What's the best wine to have with a ribeye steak?

Absolutely a red - pinot noirs are always my choice with any steak! Although I have friends who insist you have to go with something heavier, like a shiraz or a merlot. Depends if you like the really deep red wines or the lighter side of red. Mmmm, steak... :)


Thanks! Hey, I know we have a moderator from Connecticut. Maybe you two can discuss the finer points of writing in person. Or not. Whatever. Just tryin to be helpful, even though I doubt I am.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm one of the crazy ones :p
I you want wine with steak you must try a sweet crisp red raspberry. ( Tannin/sulfate free ) It ballances out the charring nicely IMHO. DH would disagree with me and swear by a dark red but I think if you give it a try you will be a convert for life.