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Hi Friends! I'm glad to be here! :)


Name's Yel. I decided to join the community here because I want to read and discover more sci fi and fantasy fictions, and to attempt making my own saga.
I don't know where to start. I faintly remembering myself whom was one of top students at literature back at middle school, about 2 decades ago.
I struggle at grammer, I have difficulties to write believable dialogues, I don't know how to write combat scense, and I don't know how to make up my own worlds.
Ya, I know, I must first read, read so that I have content and ideas to give. But I don't know which novels to read. Could you help me? Thanks for reading this far :)


It reminds me of a story I wrote called, The King Must Die!!! When I think of such issues, I tell myself there are four animals, but there is one king, and a third, in that the fourth is alive, not dead.


Myth Weaver
Howdy Yel, Welcome here.
I struggle at grammer, I have difficulties to write believable dialogues, I don't know how to write combat scense, and I don't know how to make up my own worlds.

Sounds like everyone else when they start.

If you've not read anything, I would pick up one of the big recognizable names and get started.

Tolkien would be my first read, if you've not done so already.
Marin second given where everyone is at today.
Rowling too, and Sanderson.

Branch out from there.


Thank you, friends! For welcoming me :)
My former tuition teacher suggested to me Magician by Raymond E Feist, and Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings, to familiarise myself with the themes, genres and settings.
I want to write saga of romance, scifi, fantasy, comedy and martial arts..


Myth Weaver
I'd put Fiest and Eddings on the second tier of must reads.

You wont be in too many converstaions about Eddings, but you'll see Toklien and Martin come up a lot.


Myth Weaver
I find it just peculiar you would want to write fantasy but you seem so far unfamiliar with tolkien and martin.


Because I play a lot of video games. Like Final Fantasy :D
I read a book named To Be A Ninja written by Ben Jacka..and I found it so good! I relayed my curiousity to my tuition teacher on whether its possible to turn stories like Final Fantasy into a novel like To Be A Ninja. He suggested me Eddings and Feist


Myth Weaver
Actually I would recommend Eddings' book, especially the Belgariad pentalogy [Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, and Enchanter's End Game].
They are an easy read and have many of the fantasy staples.


Actually I would recommend Eddings' book, especially the Belgariad pentalogy [Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, and Enchanter's End Game].
They are an easy read and have many of the fantasy staples.
I got them books now! I think I concur too. I was afraid when I was about to read it, but came as suprise it flows naturally with me. As we speak, I've just starting.


Myth Weaver
All of Eddings characters were tokenistic, nothing special about the females. But they were fun to follow, which I think was his strength. I still know who Polgara and Ce'nedra were, and I've not looked at them in decades.

I cant say as I even knew there was an Arwen in LOTR, and only know Eowyn cause they had her kill the Nazgul to draw attention to it. And I cant name the lead female in WOT, Sword of Shannara, or the sword of truth series. I thought the worst for portrayal of men and women was Robert Jordan, to the point, that I thought his series was really hurt by it.


Myth Weaver
I disagree. While i am sure there are some I dont recall anymore, Eddings was one of those who gave his characters a set of traits and put them on display pretty well. Ce'nedra and Polgara were not the same. Ce'nedra was hot headed, jealous, petualant, Polgara was reasoned, calm, capable, wise... I could tell them apart.

All of Eddings characters were mostly a set of traits that he used as a box to write them in. This one was clever, and this one was honorable, and this one was a protector.... It did serve to differentiate them.

I think Eddings faulted into the Star Trek trap, where all of a race was represented by a few traits, which is unlikely, but was that really a fault. It was an easy way to make ppl different.

You sure you are not confused with WOT? all the women in that were the same.


Myth Weaver
I thought Eddings was a fun read. WOT was more like homework.

In Wheel of time, the relationships are unrealisitic. All the women hen peck the men, and all the men sluff it off as if its just something to tolerate, and try to steer clear of, but secretly, they are right, and we were wrong. Something like that.