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Hi, friends! This was how I learnt English


I could not like the language.
But one day, my brother brought a PC game named Battle Realms. I enjoyed the game so much so I brought dictionary with me while I play it so that I could understand the story.

And because of that, before my English went rusty, I would top every test and exam for English subject during middle school
You certainly do well to learn and speak another language. I don’t speak another language and think I would struggle, although I do find languages fascinating.

Playing a game is probably a very efficient way to learn anything, we are a creative species and sitting in a classroom being talked at by a boring teacher expecting us to just memorise everything is the least efficient way to learn imo. Better to be an active participant in the learning experience.


I can only speak Malay and English.
I'm going to learn Mandarin, Japanese, and Korean. Because these three nations boast dominance in video game, film, wuxia and anime industry. I wanna learn French too.
Makes sense for you to learn Asian languages. I think I’d be interested in the ‘dead languages’, Old English, Norse, Latin etc just out of curiosity, but it’s unlikely I’m going to sit and try actually learn them.

I did French, German and Spanish at school and have forgotten almost everything. Oh well, I’ve slept since then.


When I was a kid, I watched many Chinese and Spanish drama, and I enjoyed them all(thanks to subtitles xD)


Myth Weaver
I tried refreshing my French [which I was never very good at] by reading Asterix book in French and using a dictionary to help with the words I didn't know.
You can't do a side by side comparison with the English [translated] Asterix books as some of the jokes are different.
It didn't really work but I have a fine selection on different language Asterix books.
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Hm ok I got it that learning French could have steep learning curve, but whats an Asterix book ? XD


Hm ok I got it that learning French could have steep learning curve, but whats an Asterix book ? XD
Asterix books -- a comic series about ancient Gaul and Rome by a pair of authors called Goscinny and Uderzo.


Myth Weaver
You English seems very good. Writing fiction in another language is a challenge all on itself.

Learnt is not often used in spoken English. Learned is more common.


You English seems very good. Writing fiction in another language is a challenge all on itself.

Learnt is not often used in spoken English. Learned is more common.
Thank you pmmg! I am trying my best everyday to improve.

Okay, I will remember that vocab


You English seems very good. Writing fiction in another language is a challenge all on itself.

Learnt is not often used in spoken English. Learned is more common.
Depends on whether you speak North American English or British/Southern Hemisphere English. I say 'learnt'.


Thank you xD
To what end do I deserve this praise or flattery? In my country, its normal to be bilingual, three tongue speaker would be considered just a brush off of brief difficulties, and to speak more than three or four would be considered a notch of intelligence


I want to learn Japanese for anime, Korean for video games, Mandarin and Cantonese for the wuxia dramas, and French because of the video game MMORPG named Wakfu, and to pay homage to the boardgame chess


Although ive a hunch your english far supercedes mine. :D

This is strange but fun, as I read and converse with you all here, my grasp in English is returning.

But i still have a lot to brush up. Not just grammar and vocabulary, but fantasy readability reportoire
Although ive a hunch your english far supercedes mine. :D

This is strange but fun, as I read and converse with you all here, my grasp in English is returning.

But i still have a lot to brush up. Not just grammar and vocabulary, but fantasy readability reportoire
Have a good time learning

What are your favorite games?


Have a good time learning

What are your favorite games?
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 7
Suikoden 2
Suikoden 1
Counter Strike 2
Ghost Recon
Battle Realms
Red Alert 2
Pokemon Crystal
Pokemon Yellow
Forever Home(RPG Maker VXAce game)
Tales of Drunken Paladin(RPG Maker VX game)
Legionwood: Tale of Two Swords(RPG Maker VX game)
The Cartographer(RPG Maker VX game)
Tournament Hero(RPG Maker XP game)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Harvest Moon Friends at Mineral Town
Ragnarok Online
Ragnarok Online 2
Cabal Online
Zodiac Online(By Ingle Games and enjoyMMO)
Pirate King Online/Tales of Pirates Online
Breath of Fire 2
Breath of Fire 1
Golden Sun 1
Golden Sun 2
Commandos 2
Prince of Qin
Arc the Lad series