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Hoi and good day :)



Hello people!

My name is Kat, I'm 31 and I try to write about mice in a sort of steampunk/fantasy setting. ->:mouse:

I'm in all honesty not sure what format the resulting text will be done in - the original plan was actually to write a few sentences per day for 30 days, for an app (which may yet happen) but the story got too big, and I decided to turn in into one of those "make your own adventure" books - then realised the story itself is not suited for that, and instead decided to write it as a comic, then remembered that I can't draw - then, my partner read my first synopsis-draft-thing and wanted to make an animated movie out of it, but at present, I think the first version will be written in a pretty standard "book" way - what happens to it afterwards remains to be seen.

I like music and storms and am originally a proper Scandinavian Viking - loud and huge and all.

My main problem with writing is to describe and make visible all the IMAGES that I see as I see the story - my brain sees the story as a movie, and translating it to purely words is my main problem at this point in time.

Got linked here by a friend who also writes, only much better than me, and hopefully, I can find clues, tips,help and inspiration, so that I, too, can be awesome.

And...that's all I got tbh - I need to make posts before I can access some sub forums, so this felt like a good start.

Have an awesome day and may all our words be Magic :Wink:

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Article Team
Hello and welcome to Mythic Scribes Kat.

I hope you'll have a good time here and that you'll get some good use out of the site and the people here. :)

(good to see you finally got around to signing up after all the nagging I've done).


Myth Weaver
Hail and well met Asinya
This is a good place to learn and share.
all Tale-tellers are welcome.