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How Do You Begin?


Myth Weaver
And there is another potential theme I just realized a minute ago, while thinking about scenes I need to add to the first book before it heads back to the editor... and this one might border on message, but it's also open to interpretation.

What seems fate is just the result of massive manipulation by powerful people, most of whom you will never meet.


Article Team
Dem, that reminds me of this scene from Devil Wears Prada that for some reason has always stuck with me lol

And there is another potential theme I just realized a minute ago, while thinking about scenes I need to add to the first book before it heads back to the editor... and this one might border on message, but it's also open to interpretation.

What seems fate is just the result of massive manipulation by powerful people, most of whom you will never meet.

Fate/Destiny/Free Will are all big parts of my fantasy story. It's a great topic to work with.


Myth Weaver
Hate to admit it, but I love that movie... and yeah, that absolutely touches on the theme, LOL. Love that scene, even if the point is arguable, but arguable is what makes it fun!

And sometimes the fashion gods fail... see the continued effort to bring back bellbottoms, as a child in the 70's bellbottoms still make me throw up in my mouth today. Boot cut? great. Anything beyond boot cut, no, heh heh. There are certain details that stick, I was probably 5 or 6, and my parents owned a clothing store and skating rink... odd combo... but I recall all the teenagers coming in wearing these hideous jeans and slacks, many of which had tattered bells from dragging on the ground and were caked in mud and whatever crap they walked through.

Also, the scene where Neo breaks the vase in the Oracle's office... was he going to break it anyhow, or did he only break it because he was warned not to? My mom always told me that as a little kid she would always say "careful, you're going to spill" and I would then spill, and when she got smart enough to change the phrasing, I stopped spilling. So, When the oracle tells Ivin his future... is it because it's his future, or it trying to sway his actions? Oh, the tangled web.

Dem, that reminds me of this scene from Devil Wears Prada that for some reason has always stuck with me lol

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I haven't ever really accomplished a substantial writing project, but I can speak generally to what I've found helpful in moving me from daydreaming stories to actually writing them down.

I always found the advice of just sit and write to be accurate but profoundly unhelpful. I don't know if it's because my brain just doesn't work that way, I'm lazy, or some combination of the two but the whole "sit down and write 250 words a day" just didn't do it for me. I'd sit at the keyboard and twiddle my thumbs.

I recently started reading a lot of those "First Draft/Novel/Outline in 30 Days" books. I've found those to be quite helpful. The one I'm currently uses has you starting with sketching out all the characters, then the setting and moving on to important scenes and then on from there to assemble a pretty fleshed out manuscript. I haven't followed the daily structure to a T, but it has certainly given me more concrete goals to work towards. So, I think that in and of itself it helpful. It's certainly the most productive I've ever been.
^That sounds rather useful. I usually just start writing as the ideas come, and occasionally don't plan anything out, which leads me to be as surprised as the characters when a plot twist occurs! [But then I have to go back and foreshadow it more.]