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How do you guys get yourself out of a writing funk?


Endings are my worst nightmare. I used to never end things, and as a result, my endings now are awful. I'm so bad at them.

I can set-up a conflict, sail through build-up and release of tension. I can A and B plot until the cows come home. But that final conflict and resolution ... woof.

The only thing I can do for it is to just keep plodding. It's no fun, and it's honestly a pain in my neck, but I won't get better without practicing. So while I feel like my entire body is on fire every time I sit down at the keys and I have so many BETTER ideas for my next project, I keep chasing those magical words 'The End.'

Ultimately, writing is work. I treat it like work. Sometimes work sucks. Sometimes it sucks to write. But this is the price I pay for being lazy about my stories when I was a fledgling writer.

Two things that actually help me feel motivated to finish:
  • This might be the time I get it right! (I live in hope - I haven't first-tried an ending yet lol!)
  • Building my next story in notes form in a notebook that I'm only allowed to add to, not to read, until I'm finished my current project. Eventually the pressure gets so big to start the new thing that I just say screw it and hammer my way through to the end, because gosh dang it I want to start my next new thing!

Hoping your funk passes soon and you can get back into things.