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Is there such things as a 'stupid genius' in writing ?

Looking over your description of your character, have you considered that she may be autistic?
I had considered that as an option but she doesn't really have any particular quirks that would link to that. (personality wise, or even her ability to process things and solve problems, if that makes sense.)

She does have a bit of 'squirrel brain' going on, namely on the easily distracted front, but to say she's got something like ADHD is going a bit too far I think. She can focus down and concentrate when it matters, but it requires too much energy/concentration to do so for very long.

The Male Protagonist is OCD to some degree but he's not diagnosed and has learned to cope with it. It does lead to him being hyper fixated on one subject. (namely gadgetry to solve otherwise simple problems you wouldn't really use a gadget for) He is extremely good at what he does but his condition makes him hard to work with others, especially those he doesn't trust.


Myth Weaver
I dont really get what you are after in this thread. What is your real concern with these too characters? or just the one that is supposed to be 'Not very bright'?

I mean, from what you've posted, It seems you have a pretty good grasp on them.
I dont really get what you are after in this thread. What is your real concern with these too characters? or just the one that is supposed to be 'Not very bright'?

I mean, from what you've posted, It seems you have a pretty good grasp on them.
I have a grasp on them, just not sure if they qualify for what would be considered a stupid genius. Which we've already discussed the name of the trope is idiot savant. The female protagonist is absolutely an Idiot Savant, she eeks her way to success with guess work and "lucks" into the solution with pure determination/skill after the fact. (In other words, she mostly only succeeds through her determination TO succeed at all, if that makes sense and her body/magic can keep up with that determination.) Though her 'skill' is not exactly executed the way a 'smart' person does it.

The Male Protagonist not so much, his skill was earned through years of training (and Larping, but mostly training)

The question then became if she could be autistic.
I hadn't considered the possibility until it was mentioned in this thread but if she is autistic she's likely very high functioning. And like I said her actual quirks don't really point to any form of known autism unlike the male protagonist who cleanly fits into an OCD box.