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Mae govannen!


Hello all
I've recently joined the forum, so I thought I should introduce myself.

I'm retired, and finally have time to write the novel I've been meaning to write nearly all my life.
The novel is high fantasy, and currently 80K+ words long. But the plot is extremely chaotic, and I think it's going to take at least another year to give it some coherence.

I am, of course, interested in world-building, and besides that, I'm a passionate conlanger. Like Justin B. Rye, "I await with interest Peter Jackson's big-screen adaptation of Appendix F [of Lord of the Rings]" (I'm not sure I'm allowed to post a link to Mr Rye's webpage, but it's worth a visit if you're interested in conlanging, fantasy and/or SF. It can easily be found by Googling his name. )

I look forward to fascinating discussions.


Good Afternoon. I hear Herman Hesse was interested in Cunlanging. Is your name pronounced Gay-ly-o, or Gall-liar? I’ll probably be wanting a second chance at this spelling.. .


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Good Afternoon. I hear Herman Hesse was interested in Cunlanging. Is your name pronounced Gay-ly-o, or Gall-liar? I’ll probably be wanting a second chance at this spelling.. .
My bets are on a simple Gall-ee-owe.

Welcome aboard Gallio.


Thanks to everyone for the welcome.
Just to correct a misconception; I am not a fluent speaker of Sindarin, sadly.