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Names for Ore and new armour


I have seen aremor that i dont know the name to....like in an anime i watched the knightgaurds armor covered there chest but not the stomachs.
also i do not want to reuse Mithril and other magical/fantasy Ore and i dont want it to seem like im using something from someone elses book like pure silver from the Adventurers wanted series.
please help, any ideas are welcome


Just a thought on the protective factor of such an armor (no, I don't know the name either)... leaving the stomach and lower back uncovered and unprotected would be a agregious lapse in judgment. Most armor like that (especially in fantasy art and video games) are more designed for cool factor than in real protection.

As for metal... I would make something up. Zeusium, Horusite, Shivarium or whatever. Give it its own ecology and history... make it an integral part of the world. You don't need to use something that already has a history in the realm of fantasy.

In one of my books I decided on a whole lot of "magic" metals starting with mithril, but then adding moon-silver and sun-bronze if that helps.

Cheers, Greg.


If you're naming metals then I assume you've named other things in your world. Try combining common suffixes/prefixes in your language with parts of english words that describe metal like properties.

Bruce McKnight

Maybe there are ores that were named by their discoverer like Ralphium or simply Dave's Ore. Maybe it has a unique color so it's called Redore or Bluespark. If it's from another race or nation, it could be something like Dwarven Steel or Artanian Tin.

As for armor, are we talking a single suit? That could have some interesting names like The Holy Shell or Dragon's Wrap. If it's more generic, it could be named after the metal like Ralphium Plate or Bluespark Mail. You could just make something up completely, like Garvath Armor, but you may have to explain it like "The Garvath Armor stopped just past his shoulders and made his forearms feel exposed, but at least his elbows didn't feel like constricted like that damn Kintar Armor he had to wear when he was in the army."


makes sense. I think because ive seen others examples i can now make sense of it.