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Novella idea: thoughts?



So I have this burning desire to write a novella (or 2) about the villain in my story who lives in a marsh. I'm considering it being a teaser to the novel I'm currently writing. This plan needs a bit more honing but I'm curious to know what others think about novellas in general, and if you would read a novella, then a novel set in the same world with relating characters. :)

Mara Edgerton

I write an adult-content series under another name that includes both novellas and novels. Nothing wrong with writing either or both! And, as a reader, if I like a series I will read short stories in it, novellas, novels--whatever.

If you are a self-pubber, you may wish to price your novellas at a lower rate than your novels. And you probably want to make it clear that the reader is getting a 30k book instead of a 60k book. Apart from that, you should be fine. :)


I mostly expect novellas to be a part of a larger story. Also they should branch into some unexplained portion of a story that the main novel left blank. I def dont like a cut and dry short story that I will never hear from again.


Felis amatus
I'll read novellas. There is a whole theory of literature around the novella and what constitutes one (going beyond word count). The only thing that matters to me is whether it is well done or not.


Myth Weaver
I seem condemned to write mostly novella's and other shorter works.

Even my novel length works look to be on the short side (60,000 - 80,000 words).


toujours gai, archie
That's what I did, but it wasn't on purpose. That is, I was working away on my novel when another, utterly unrelated, story popped in and promised to be short.

It lied.

With a complete story at 14,000 words, I knew there was no way to get it traditionally published (helpfully abbreviated as TP). So I just tossed it up on Amazon, where it promptly sank. But I sort of don't care. Once people learn what a marvelous writer I am, and how great is this Altearth place, they'll be clamoring for my "early works". That's what my muse claims, but the old dame is batty as a Missouri cave.

My own advice: first write it, *then* figure out what to do with it. It's much harder to do in the reverse order.


That's great advice Skip Knox. I'm still writing the novel but I like the idea of the villain having her own story, but not a long one. My idea is to eventually write a couple novellas centered on her which are creepy/funny fantasy. It wouldn't be the same in a novel.