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Oh hai!


Oh hai!

I am a 28-year old aspiring author of Sweden. I have written a book on English and have had it professionally edited, but everyone seems to want to have a book about vampires - not goblins! >.<

I have been finished with this book for almost over one year, and I have spent a fortune of my student budget to have it edited, curled and ready for action.

Does anyone here have any tips?




Yup. The two main characters and most of the characters are goblins.
Hello there Lucas. In the spirit of the blind leading the blind, welcome :)

Goblins, you say? Interesting. Most people like a good underdog, in one form or another... how do they live? what do they struggle against, i wonder...


Hello there Lucas. In the spirit of the blind leading the blind, welcome :)

Goblins, you say? Interesting. Most people like a good underdog, in one form or another... how do they live? what do they struggle against, i wonder...

Goblins live in numerous ways. They are more adaptable than humans and usually expect less from life. Male goblins drift a lot. They have both rural and urban societies, but the book is focusing on goblins living in an urban society. Goblin society during the period in which the plot of the book is set is undergoing a metamorphosis due to being under indirect human supremacy, and from new technologies spreading, creating a business caste which is conflicting with the traditional honour-oriented hunter/warrior culture of the goblins.

Otherwise, the main difference from humans is that goblin societies tend to have few males aged past 30, that most females have 8-15 kids with a dozen or so different males, and the males are okay with that, and that population growth is jumping up and down like a rollercoaster. The more young males who join clans of warriors competing for territory and businesses to protect, the more conflicts. It usually ends with everyone killing everyone, leaving just females and kids every 25 years. There are of course smaller conflicts.

Goblins are otherwise violent ultra-individualists, impulsive opportunists, callous liars, brutal hooligans, drug-addicted losers, compulsive gamblers, egotistical narcissists, cutthroat dealers, emotionally stunted bastards and a bunch of sex-fixated bucks!

Apart from that, they are generally nice people.
