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Phil's Insane All Day Writing Marathon


I'm about to start, at 11am my time which is a bit later than planned but I sort of forgot and started playing Don't Starve so... yeah. I've got a short story I started last week so I'm gonna work on that for now.


Article Team
Best of luck. I'm editing what I wrote last night and it's not that terribly bad. Will have to go to work soon though or i'd give it another go.

Philip Overby

Article Team
Cool deal! Glad others are getting on board here.

8:24 pm: I sucked for a little while and fell asleep. Not what I wanted to do. But got up to 5,184 before doing so. I have about an hour and half left to work. I'd like to get 6,000 to end the day. If I do so, that would be the most I've ever written in one day, I believe.

9:19 pm: Got 6,051 words to wrap up the day. I have to say, a pretty productive day overall.

a. I finished a first draft of a short story I'd been struggling to finish.
b. I made progress on my novel that had been stalled out for a couple of weeks.
c. I found that writing all day doesn't have to be mind-numbing if you take breaks here and there and consistently work.

While I don't think 6,000 words is the absolute best I could do, I think that's a vast improvement over my normal average of about 1,000-2,000. I've found that what pro writers do can be difficult if done every single day, but it's not impossible. And I don't really feel like everything I wrote today was rushed crap. I worked at a pretty comfortable pace all in all.

So, experiment finished! Thanks to those following along and good luck to those participating! I'll be watching your progress.
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12:25. Taking an early break (after three writing sessions instead of four) because writing graveside eulogies is upsetting and also because my wool arrived in the post and I want to have a brief crochet session before lunch.

I've managed 689 words so far.


Article Team
Good job guys. I've got two hours tonight after work and before bedtime and I'll try and get 1,000 words done.


I sort of ended up having a long lunch break. Got a bit carried away playing Don't Starve... again. But I'm plugging back on now. Gonna finish that short story then get some plotting for the novel done.

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Congrats on the 6K, Phil! I only hit that level of productivity once in my entire life.

(Apologies to those who've "heard" it before.)

It was December 28, 2007 at the Starbucks at Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong. In 5-6 hours, I added 5-6K words to my novel. I was waiting for my wife to call me up to her room to tell me our daughter would be born.

Fortunately, she was born on the 29th! It turned out there was no cell phone reception at the Starbucks. From what I understand of labor pain and its effect on mood, my wife went really, really easy on me.


Well I finished my short story (at 1,700 words of which about 1,200 was written today) and I've done a bit of work on the novel, got some idea of what actually happens in the middle section now. Tried a couple of prompts, but they didn't go anywhere and I deleted them fairly quickly. I'm gonna call it a day and try and get some more writing done tomorrow I think.