Steerpike, I totally get what you're saying, and I think those are completely valid points. Absent some sort of study or evidence, there's no way to get a good idea of how much of an impact this stuff has or on who, or to be clear whether those are the people you're writing for. And things keep changing, too. People are socializing in different ways, and with different types of people than they used to, spending less time with neighbors and sometimes family in favor of carefully chosen online friends. Fantasy and Sci Fi are going mainstream, and aren't just being read by the smarter-than-average bookworms of yesteryear. It's almost impossible nowadays to just write for men or just for women, so your audience is more diverse. It's possible - in fact likely - that some generations of youth or that specific subcultures are more susceptible to these messages than others.
But how exactly we should weight this stuff is far from clear, at least that I can tell. I'm normally inclined to suggest that people are smarter than all that, but then, I also know this is a lot like marketing. Most people say marketing has no effect on them, while their behavior says it clearly does.
Still, there's one last point, though.... which is the one I made earlier. Whatever the effect may actually be (I think: some), and to whatever degree it's fair to hold creators accountable for it (I think: in a few cases but not usually), it's pretty clear that many readers right now are looking for specific things with consent, and anyone writing romance needs to be aware of how they're handling it.
But how exactly we should weight this stuff is far from clear, at least that I can tell. I'm normally inclined to suggest that people are smarter than all that, but then, I also know this is a lot like marketing. Most people say marketing has no effect on them, while their behavior says it clearly does.
Still, there's one last point, though.... which is the one I made earlier. Whatever the effect may actually be (I think: some), and to whatever degree it's fair to hold creators accountable for it (I think: in a few cases but not usually), it's pretty clear that many readers right now are looking for specific things with consent, and anyone writing romance needs to be aware of how they're handling it.