My starting point is always research and note taking, but when it comes down to brass tacks, the actual writing part, my current ‘method’ if you can call it that is to write a framework with which to work around. I’ll write a very shortened version for each chapter and then go and essentially back fill. So far that is getting me closer to finishing a first draft more than any other method I’ve tried. I find simply writing from my notes a tedious task that feels like I’m grappling around in the dark, whereas when I plan out each chapter I can at least better visualise the framework in my mind.
What are your methods and routines for the actual writing part? (once assuming you’ve decided what to actually write about and have done all that research and back work).
What are your methods and routines for the actual writing part? (once assuming you’ve decided what to actually write about and have done all that research and back work).