Hello everyone,
browsing through the threads here I don't believe that I'm the only on who sometimes feels this way. Who else feels from time to time that effort of writing fantasy is pointless?
Generally, I like to write but as some of you are alreading discussing in another thread, I also tend to have plenty of ideas at once and habe trouble to stay with one of them over a longer period of time.
And, maybe more importantly, the more I learn about the publishing process and everything involved in it, the less I'm motivated to get myself into that, even if I could to write something good enough. This might be because "normal work life" already involves plenty of trying to get respect for what I'm doing, chances that only exist with the right connections and so forth and I don't want to put myself through that twice at the same time.
I have the ambition to get an engaging, well-written story on paper, but I'm not really interested in doing anything more with it and my childhood dream of becoming a famous fantasy author doesn't really exist anymore either.
My leisure time is diminishing as well, but this doesn't mean that I couldn't get on with it, but I'm not sure if I should, if no one besides me and maybe a few friends is ever going to see any of it.
What do you think?
browsing through the threads here I don't believe that I'm the only on who sometimes feels this way. Who else feels from time to time that effort of writing fantasy is pointless?
Generally, I like to write but as some of you are alreading discussing in another thread, I also tend to have plenty of ideas at once and habe trouble to stay with one of them over a longer period of time.
And, maybe more importantly, the more I learn about the publishing process and everything involved in it, the less I'm motivated to get myself into that, even if I could to write something good enough. This might be because "normal work life" already involves plenty of trying to get respect for what I'm doing, chances that only exist with the right connections and so forth and I don't want to put myself through that twice at the same time.
I have the ambition to get an engaging, well-written story on paper, but I'm not really interested in doing anything more with it and my childhood dream of becoming a famous fantasy author doesn't really exist anymore either.
My leisure time is diminishing as well, but this doesn't mean that I couldn't get on with it, but I'm not sure if I should, if no one besides me and maybe a few friends is ever going to see any of it.
What do you think?