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Toby Neighbors Introduction

Hi everyone, I'm excited to have found the Mythic Scribes forums. I'm a novelist living in Northern Idaho, with my beautiful wife and our three boys. We are living our dreams. I currently have seven novels published, with my fantasy series The Five Kingdoms being my most recent and well known work. Each of those books made it into Amazon's top 20 Epic Fantasy best sellers list and ranking as high as number 2 at one point. I'm still writing in that series and have plans to write other series set in that same world. I grew up reading Edgar Rice Burrows and Conan novels. I love stories in all mediums and shoot a recurve bow. I'm looking forward to meeting you all.
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Felis amatus

Welcome to the forums - I hope you enjoy it here. Just FYI, your post was flagged for moderation because of the links. We try to keep those confined to the Self-Promotion forum, which is provided specifically for that purpose. I have approved your post, but with the links removed. Again, welcome, and make yourself at home.


hi toby. welcome to mythic scribes.
i liked the post you wrote about promoting your work, so i dug up your facebook author page to check you out. congratulations on the success you've had so far.
Thanks Robert, I'm by no means an expert, I'm always looking for ways to get the word out about my books. I just wanted to add my two cents worth. I'm really excited to be part of the Mythic Scribes community.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I'm gearing up for my next novel, and looking forward to spending time on the forums.

J. S. Elliot

Welcome to Mythic Scribes! It's always nice to meet a published author, and I'll certainly have to check out your work time permitting. I look forward to seeing you around the forums.