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Well, Hello there!


Hi! **waves lazily, a slight nervous pull to the right of the lip tales of a smile being held back **

I guess this is the part where I stand in front of the class while you all stare bored and blankly at me, sizing me up as I tell you stuff about myself that doesn't interest you at all.

**silence follows my bad joke**

(unconformable pause)

**clears throat nervously thinking 'tough crowd'**

um...You can call me Sinner or Sin for short. I also post under my another pen-name Zayide. I have been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. A habit my father stressed on me since very young, reading the fantasy rich and colorful mind painting works of many authors as well as nonfictional manuscripts and informational documents.

I am Latina, so I actually read these famous works in Spanish before rereading them in English once I could. My favorite authors are all of them. Some are pretentious as well as arrogant, but others are full of imagery and contain a liquid flow in their words that has raised emotions in combinations I have ever foreseen.

Unpredictably, it was the work of someone I considered rather...unworthy of such landslide fandom...that inspired me to write. While looking for others of similar opinion, I stumbled upon fanfiction, and became swept with the urge to devour everything I could find. I searched and encountered several authors with in a sea of genres that had me begging for more. Even resorted to asking for certain situations to be written.

One day, I had one of those moments where in animation a light bulb lights over the character's head announcing the birth of realization. These where people that like myself. Why couldn't I write something to deem worthy of sharing?

And so began my saga. I only have a few of my pieces published - and are still unfinished works in progress - but I have many more fanfiction stories saved in my hard drive I am still working on

One of my readers happens to have contacted a graphic editor for a publishing firm of status and this person wrote some encouraging words that have inspired me further.

This person spoke of seeing potential with in the story I have and said that IF I was willing to change the aspects that I had adopted from twilight and do a few minute changes, I hay be able to enter it for review in her company and run the possibility of being published.

As you could imagine, I was giddy with joy and filled with new sense of purpose.

Now I am looking to reform and reinvent whatever I have to to make it all original work.

So, my friend - who is also a member here - heard me complaining of how I am searching for information and researching angles to reach this goal, invited me to join...and here I am.

Well, that is me in a nutshell, for the moment anyways and as far as what is relevant.

If you have any further questions about me or my amateur attempts to writing just contact me.

Mostly, I am an open book.

See you around!
Welcome to the Scribes Sinner. I wish you luck with your work, this is a great place to get assistance so if you have any questions just throw them at us.


Welcome to the Scribes Sinner. I wish you luck with your work, this is a great place to get assistance so if you have any questions just throw them at us.

Thank you, thank you and...I KNOW!!

A few after I posted this, a moderator here contacted me with some great research material I am devouring...plus I laced a post in the research forum thread and got some absolutely excellent guidance too...magnificent books. I am in the middle of reading one of these recommendations now!