I'm curious what the cross-section of genre readership looks like here. Do people read exclusively fantasy? I like anything so long as it is well-done, from Romance (though I admittedly read little of it) to Horror. If I had to guess, the breakdown for me is probably as follows:
20% Fantasy
20% Science Fiction
15% Classics/Literary
15% Mystery/detective/thriller (yeah, I'm lumping here)
15% YA
10% Horror
5% other
Of course, there is overlap in the above. A classic might also be a detective novel or SF, for example.
20% Fantasy
20% Science Fiction
15% Classics/Literary
15% Mystery/detective/thriller (yeah, I'm lumping here)
15% YA
10% Horror
5% other
Of course, there is overlap in the above. A classic might also be a detective novel or SF, for example.